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F28M36P63C2: F28M3 reference design

Part Number: F28M36P63C2
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSDOCK28M36, C2000WARE

I am looking for an F28M3x based hardware reference design that shows the recommended Ethernet PHY, including the Interface IC, magnetics, and connector.  I layout would also be desirable, if it exists.

  • Peter,

    You can check out the TMDSDOCK28M36, The F28M36 Control Card has an Ethernet PHY and connector as an aexample.

    You can find the hardware documentation in C2000ware under ..\C2000Ware_x_xx_xx_xx\boards\controlCARDs\TMDSCNCD28M36

    This should get you started!
