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I am using the PWM peripherals on the F28035 and was wondering what is the best way to turn off a particular PWM signal. The way I am turning off the PWM is by setting the CMPA value equal to the period value on the up-down counter. I was told by one of my team members for this project that a 0% duty cycle is not good for the MCU. I am using the PWM signals to drive a three phase H-bridge and have used the ePWMxA lines to feed the signals to the motor driver (the board was accidentally designed without taking advantage of the ePWMxA-ePWMxB module configuration). My fear is that I will damage the MCU if I run the PWM at 0%. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I don't plan to run at 100% duty cycle, if that matters.
Thank You,
Thanks for the quick response. The three phase H-bridge connection on my board did not take advantage of the PWM module setup (did not realize the modules were setup this way until after boards were made and can't afford to have more boards made; this is for a senior design project and time and money are scarce). However, can I still use the AQCSFRC register with my setup? Also, I would like to know your thoughts on not using PWM on the low side FETs (i.e. use GPIOs) but only use PWM on the High side FETs to control duty cycle. My MCU-to-Three phase connections are as follows (of course the PWM are fed to DRV8301 and then to the FETs):
Please don't condemn my connections LOL. It just comes down to poor research and a lesson learned :). Thanks again.
Brandon Dyer77 said:Disona,
Also, when you asked how will I modulate the voltage over time, do you mean how will I be applying power to the gates or to the three phase h-bridges?
No, i meant that if you want your motor to spin, you have to change your voltage. For example if you want to spin a three-phase motor with a constant speed you would apply three sinusoidal voltages to its phases. So "voltage modulation" is sine wave. (BTW "voltage modulation" is not a common termin, i just used it because of lack of my english skills. Not sure how to call it properly =\ )
Are you going to use built-in current sensors of DRV8301 or external op-amps for your shunts? In case of built-in sensors you can turn off switches with AQCFRC. But if you use external opamps, you can turn off switches by setting EN_GATE signal low.
Furthermore, if you finally choose to use complementary control, you can set DRV8301 to be controlled only by three signals for hi-side FETs, and DRV8301 will automatically generate complementary lo-side signals and add deadband.
Space-Vector Pulse-Width Modulation (SVPWM) is a common and widely-used technique to create voltages. In that terms total voltage applied to a motor is described in terms of vector amplitude and angle. Than you take projections of this vector to phases A, B and C and get three phase voltages for the motor. Then you convert voltages into CMPAs for ePWMs and... well, that's all.
It's not difficult to calculate all this stuff, but it's difficult enough to understand it without some experience. I don't even now, where to start. SVPWM short theory is described in the TI pdf (link below). And it's mandatory to watch video about Field-Oriented Control. It's long enough (1 hour) but it really makes everything quite simple.