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TMDSDOCK28335: UART Rx on the Experimenter Kit

Part Number: TMDSDOCK28335
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, UNIFLASH, CONTROLSUITE, C2000WARE

Hello All,

I am having a problem understanding how to get UART communication to work through the USB on the Experimenter's kit for the TMS320F28335 chip. I started by developing a UART module for my project using SCI-A which I now have UART Tx working (I can send data to my computer from the board through USB), but RX never seems to work. Even working with the Example_2833xSci_Echoback project, text is sent to my computer, but the microntroller hangs here:

while(SciaRegs.SCIFFRX.bit.RXFFST !=1) { } // wait for XRDY =1 for empty state

I was using the xds100v1 protocol inside of CCS to debug it. I also attempted to flash the code with Uniflash and power externally, and it still does not appear to work. The only clue I have is the line in the info sheet for the experimenter kit saying "UART communications through onboard USB-to-UART bridge (once jumper J9 is placed)." I cannot find any other reference to this J9 jumper either on the experimenter kit board, or the controlCard. Is there any way, I can get bidirectional UART communication to work through the onboard USB?

If anyone is familiar with this evaluation board, I would greatly appreciate it.


Jeffrey Santi

  • Jeffrey,

    It looks like the problem is a missing jumper on J9.  You can find J9 between the JTAG header (J2) and the controlCARD connector (J1) near GPIO pin number 33.  This jumper J9 connects the onboard USB-to-UART bridge RX-Slave.  Additional information and schematics for the Docking Station and controlCARD can be found in controlSUITE or C2000Ware.

    I hope this helps.  If this answers your question, please click the green "Verified Answer" button.  Thanks.

    - Ken