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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I have been developing a code using the LaunchPad-F28377S with Code Composer Studio v. 7.1.0 and now I am stuck in this problem. I searched in the forums and found similar threads with the same issue, which were helpful, as these in the links:
LanchPad F28377S: No source available for "0x3fe493" - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000™︎ microcontrollers...
CCS/TMS320F28377D: No source available for "0x3fe493" f28377D - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000...
LAUNCHXL-F28377S: No source available for 0x3FE468 - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000™︎ microcontrollers...
However, I still don't know how to solve it and now i'm stuck. As pointed in these threads, it seems to be something related to ITRAP ISR and BOOT ROM.
The problem happens after I add much data into the code and do the debug. I need to add lots coordinates in float format and also strings in char format. When I test with fewer data, the program runs normally in the debug, but after adding higher quantity of these data, the problem occurs and I can't do the debug.
Please, could you help me to solve this? I have a little time to finish this project.
I have done the process of defining _FLASH and adding memcpy to load the code from Flash.
As I mentioned, everything runs fine until much data is added. I inserted 4 pictures that show what happens in sequence.
Thank you, guys.
Thank you for attaching the pictures. The problem you are seeing could have come up from a lot of different reasons. One reason for this error could be that you have written to an out of bounds memory location or you've written too much to memory, causing overwrites. This can happen from an uninitialized pointer in a memcpy or simply writing too much data. First, can you clarify what you mean when you say "I add much data into the code"?.
Hi Taumer! Thank you for the fast reply!
When I say that I mean by adding much of the strings and coordinates in float format that I have to work with. It's the "GCODE", "EZ" and "EX" which can be seen in the picture I am attaching now.
The program runs normally if there isn't a large quantity of these entries, but if there is some more of them, that problem occurs.
Hi Taumer!
I have been successful using 485 values in total, with them divided between "GCODE", "EX", EY", "EZ" and "P" that are the 5 buffers I need.
If I try 486 entries in total, it breaks and then there comes the SysCtrl tab seen in the picture:
If I try just a few more, the SysCtrl tab doesn't appear, but the No source problem comes up:
I haven't tried, Taumer, how could I do that? Is there a way I can increase the memory by changing the .cmd file? I have seen in the forums something about that, when there is the error "Program will not fit into available memory". Just for information, I receive this error if I try to define the GCODE for 2048, for example.
I need these large buffers to store all the coordinates in float format. I need about 1900 entries by buffer, as the GCODE one in char format.
This solution worked for me! I have done the proceedings in that post and inicially I could increase the GCODE defined value much over 2000, which was almost the limit before and I wouldn't take the "Program will not fit into available memory" anymore.
But I was still receiving the "No source available" problem for the float format arrays. They were inside the "main()", then I passed them out of it and now it works, the program runs normally again with higher values I need for the arrays!
I'm inserting the pictures just to show what I have done.
I have put the "RAMGS" origin address equal the commented RAMGS6, because I was receiving errors telling there were other archives from RAMGS0 to RAMGS5. I also changed the ".ebss" and the float arrays allocated as ".COORD_TABLE" to "RAMGS" in the SECTIONS part.
Later, I received the "Program will not fit into available memory" again but for the ".cinit", but I allocated it in "FLASHH" and the error gone away.
So, now it's working as I need!
Thank you so much, Taumer!