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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi TI Engineers,My request is as below:
1,Load Image command in C2000 Gang Programmer (C2000-GANG) User's Guide's page54 is how to use by RS232 communication?As don‘t know some bytes meas in command,such as "n" ,"n-6" and "D2...Dn-6",so don't know how to write commad
Load Image command:Tx -> 3E 43 n n A1 A2 A3 0 n-6 0 D1 ... Dn-6 CKL CKH
2,What is Command about Program image from C2000-MEM TO Target flash?
3,After Program image from C2000-MEM To Target flash is finish with command or GUI, have log file to generate? If have log file, This will easy to auto judge program result by program.
Would you help reply Above questions,thanks.
The RS232 protocol is used between DLL and C2000-GANG programmer. User can use this protocol only in limited way. For example save the image to C2000-GANG can only be done via DLL, because user does not know the format used in saved image contents. When image is saved the RS232 protocol can be used for starting programming procedure (equivalent to press GO function, enable the unit or verify the programmed contents in the programmed MCU. All other functions should be controlled via provided DLL. The dll funstiocns are desribed and can be used, but the RS232 protocol is almost private protocol except some basic commands that can be used by the remote control system if the DLL cannot be used in that system.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Gregory Czajkwski
Elprotronic Inc.
Sorry,your explain more vague,I don't get solution about each issue yet,
1,Could you explain about "n" ,"n-6" and "D2...Dn-6" meanings in Load Image command:Tx -> 3E 43 n n A1 A2 A3 0 n-6 0 D1 ... Dn-6 CKL CKH?
2,What is Command about Program image from C2000-MEM TO Target flash?have related command in User's Guide?
3,After Program image from C2000-MEM To Target flash is finish with command or GUI, have log file to generate? If have log file, This will easy to auto judge program result by program.