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C2000-GANG: TMS320F28335 CSM unlock with C2000 Gang Programmer

Part Number: C2000-GANG
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, , UNIFLASH


I have C2000 Gang Programmer and want to program TMS320F28335 device. I started "C2000-GANG Programmer" application and connected programmer hardware to the pc over usb. C2000-Gang Programmer application recognized the hardware and PC communication notifications color turned green. I did other settings as shown blow.

firstly I tried to upload .out file which generated by CCS v7 to the target. It did not work. If I upload same file by using UniFlash with XDS110 Debug Probe, it works well. So I program same file with C2000 Gang Programmer and UniFlash and read it back. The image which programmed with C2000 Gang Programmer seems weird as shown blow.

After some research I find a information which mention that I have to use hex2000 utility to generate 16 bit compatible image with -romwidth16 switch. Then I used hex2000 utility and generated s37 image file. This time application runs normally but the device should be csm locked because the image file have csm key programmed with other than 0xFFFF. After I programmed the device with UniFlash, the device locked. Then I used to unlock and program the device with C2000 Gang Programmer but the programmer gave Error:23(MCU init device). By the way I did define the passoword. Do you have any solution? 

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.


  • Emin,

    Thank you for reaching us on this.

    I think the device is not getting unlocked for the reads via GANG.  Elprotronic can help you on this to make sure that the passwords provided are used to unlock.

    Please contact Elprotronic directly at

    They will work with us if needed.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Vamsi,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I searched about this case on forums and most of the questions are canalized to Elprotronic. So Before writing here I send email to about 2 days ago. I am waiting for reply.

    Best Regards.

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Emin,

    I discussed this with Elprotronic. They will get back to you soon.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi,

    Please convert the out file to the 16-b hex files using the hex2000.exe tool.  

    Let me know if that fixed your issue.

    Gregory Czajkowski
    Elprotronic Inc.

  • Hi Gregory,

    Thanks for your reply. I use following command to convert out file to the 16bit hex file : hex2000.exe --romwidth=1 filename.out -a -o filename.hex. I review the content of the output file and it seems okay. But C2000 Gang programmer gives "ERROR 385: Nothing to program/verify - empty code in selected memory space." output. It can program with Motorola s37 format excepting csm area. Actualy there are 2 problem for me. First: If I use motorola s37 format to program the device, the code runs but without csm locked. Second If I program the device with out file(which used to generate motorola s37 file) by using UniFlash,  C2000 Gang Programmer can not unlock the device and gives "ERROR 23: MCU device init." output.

    Best Regards.

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Hi Emin,

    Can you use option in CCS for converting out file to hex file? Other option - email me these files you have then we will try to convert it to hex files.


  • I already try hex2000 output options in CCS. It is same as my manual generation attempt. I can't share the file as per company rules. Can you share command line input for suitable C2000-Gang programmer ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards.

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Hi,

    It is used below parameters when calling the hex2000.exe tool

    hex2000.exe  -romwidth=16 -memwidth=16 -i -o..... 

    where .... - in and out file names. See help for hex2000
    Did you try to convert files using CCS?

    Gregory Czajkowski
    Elprotronic Inc. 

  • Hi Gregory,

    I think the problem is not converting file cause your hex2000 utility command line arguments are same as I used before and as I mention earlier replies I tried CCS output options to generate output file you desired. If I erase device flash that csm locked with UniFlash(its only option for now), C2000-Gang programmer can program the device with converted file. But After the programming the csm key area still blank no matter the file involves csm key or not. By the way I can see csm key in "Setup-> CSM Passwords -> Password extracted from the Code File" section. But C2000-Programmer leaves the csm area blank. I tried reprogramming the device that I thought it was locked after being programmed with the C2000-Gang programmer with the UniFlash with blank csm key(0xFFFF) and It programmed. This means it is not locked. So first problem is C2000-Gang Programmer can not program csm key area. Maybe an option can cause this situation. Second problem is C2000-Gang Programmer can not unlock csm locked device. I can not figure out what should I do to solve the problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards.

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Emin,

    Could you try below settings for the hex tool?  (CCS -> Right click on the project -> Show Build Settings -> Build -> C2000 Hex Utility -> Enable C2000 Hex Utility -> Then click on General Options under C2000 Hex Utility -> and configure below settings).

    Thanks and regards,

  • Attached the snapshot since it did not go through in the above post.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi Vamsi,

    I applied settings shown on the screenshot and it does same thing when I call hex2000 utility with parameters Gregory mentioned. So still C2000-Gang programmer cannot program csm key area but C2000-Gang Programmer application shows correct csm password in the "Password extracted from the Code File" section.

    Best Regards

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Emin,

    Thank you for checking that.

    I will let Gregory respond.  You may need to provide a sample file for Gregory to reproduce the issue.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi All,

    I attached sample file (led blinking) with csm password. You can check it out.

    Best Regards.

    Emin ATEŞSampleBlink.7z

  • Emin,

    Thank you for the sample file. Gregory will get back to you in couple of days.



  • Emin,

    Are you working with Gregory offline on this?

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi Vamsi,

    Nobody returned to me about this yet.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Emin,

    Thank you for the update.

    Let me check with Elprotronic on this.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Emin,

    Elprotronic is actively looking in to this issue now.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi Emin,

    Can we connect via Webex? Email me the time when we can talk.


  • Hi Gregory,

    It is good to see you again. I will contact with you via e-mail.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,

    Emin ATEŞ

  • Emin, Gregory,

    I am closing this thread for now as we are debugging this offline.

    Once the debug is closed, we can come here and summarize the debug conclusion.

    Thanks and regards,