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TMS320F280049C: Control Card and TMDSHSECDOCK - problems running from flash

Part Number: TMS320F280049C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSHSECDOCK, C2000WARE, UNIFLASH


We are working with the F280049C control card and TMDSHSECDOCK hardware setup.   I have CCSM 8.3 just recently downloaded along with C2000Ware.

We are successfully running the blinky example via CCS. 

When I build/run from CCS, I have selected the CPU1_FLASH selection.   I see the code being written into flash.   I've confirmed that the code is in flash via the Memory Browser (I see a bunch of code loaded into the FLASH Bank 0 between 0x00080000 and 0x0008FFFF).  And when stepping through I see in the disassembly view that I'm stepping through that same FLash memory section.

I've confirmed that the flash memory was written by closing CCS and doing the same memory review via Uniflash.

I feel as confident as I can be that we've successfully written the code to the Flash memory.

However, we are unsuccessful from running our boot to flash blinky code without CCS.    We unplug the control card and the base and change the card switches to boot to flash - repower and we don't see the light blinking...

We've changed S1:A - switch 1 down to turn off JTAG.   We've set both switches on S1 to ON (for the jump to flash selection).   And yet - when we power the board with the J17 and power the chip via the control card J1:A - we don't see any lights.

What are we missing?  We need to verify that we are able to run from flash without any CCS commands.   We are using the blinky code without any changes.


BTW... I found a step by step startup guide on this thread: %20quick%20start#2494085    We've followed all those steps.

  • Anne,

    Please verify that your S1 switches are actually in the OFF position (UP). the SW switch is actually inverted where ON == 0 and OFF == 1.

    I have followed all steps that you have except only changing the S1 to the OFF position (UP). LEDs D2 and D3 are blinking as expected.

  • Hi Mark -

    Thanks for your response.   This solved our problem.   

    Today, the ControlCard documentation indicates that S1 is installed with 180 degree rotation.   Couple that note with the instructions to set the switch "up" caused us to set it down (due to the 180 degree note)...

    In case there are any TI folks reading this...   I would recommend that the ControlCard pdf file be updated to read exactly like Mark's response:

    today it reads:  "In the Up position"

    Since this is an inverted switch, it would be more clear if it read: "In the OFF position (UP)" or "In the ON position (DOWN)".

    Thanks again!