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Hi guys,
I have a SIEMENS TAPAS community inverter which uses TMS320F28069 MCU. I want to establish SCI/UART between my PC and this board. The board (as shown in Fig. 1 below) does not have the UART to USB populated and I have used a USB to UART TTL (Fig. 2) for this purpose. Also, it required me to populate 4 Resistors (RC0402JR-070RL) for RX, TX lines as given in their schematic but I used a wire instead.
Figure 1
In motorware, SCI is not included by default. Therefore, I have the following inclusions in
1) hal_obj.h
SCI_Handle sciAHandle; //!< the SCI handle SCI_Handle sciBHandle; //!< the SCI handle
2) hal.c
in HAL_Handle HAL_init()
// initialize the SCI handles obj->sciAHandle = SCI_init((void *)SCIA_BASE_ADDR,sizeof(SCI_Obj)); obj->sciBHandle = SCI_init((void *)SCIB_BASE_ADDR,sizeof(SCI_Obj));
in HAL_setParams() // setup the sciA HAL_setupSciA(handle); // setup the sciB HAL_setupSciB(handle);
in HAL_setupGpios() // Setup your GPIOs for SCI GPIO_setPullup(obj->gpioHandle, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_Pullup_Enable); GPIO_setPullup(obj->gpioHandle, GPIO_Number_29, GPIO_Pullup_Enable); GPIO_setQualification(obj->gpioHandle, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_Qual_ASync); GPIO_setMode(obj->gpioHandle, GPIO_Number_28, GPIO_28_Mode_SCIRXDA); GPIO_setMode(obj->gpioHandle, GPIO_Number_29, GPIO_29_Mode_SCITXDA);
No changes for SCIB, as it set by default in motorware.
in HAL_setupPeripheralClks() CLK_enableSciaClock(obj->clkHandle);
Clock for SCIB is enabled by default. Setup of the SCIA, SCIB modules is given below.
void HAL_setupSciA(HAL_Handle handle) { HAL_Obj *obj = (HAL_Obj *)handle; SCI_reset(obj->sciAHandle); SCI_enableTx(obj->sciAHandle); SCI_enableRx(obj->sciAHandle); SCI_disableParity(obj->sciAHandle); SCI_setNumStopBits(obj->sciAHandle,SCI_NumStopBits_One); SCI_setCharLength(obj->sciAHandle,SCI_CharLength_8_Bits); // set baud rate to 115200 SCI_setBaudRate(obj->sciAHandle,SCI_BaudRate_115_2_kBaud); SCI_setPriority(obj->sciAHandle,SCI_Priority_FreeRun); SCI_enable(obj->sciAHandle); return; // end of HAL_setupSciA() function } void HAL_setupSciB(HAL_Handle handle) { HAL_Obj *obj = (HAL_Obj *)handle; SCI_reset(obj->sciBHandle); SCI_enableTx(obj->sciBHandle); SCI_enableRx(obj->sciBHandle); SCI_disableParity(obj->sciBHandle); SCI_setNumStopBits(obj->sciBHandle,SCI_NumStopBits_One); SCI_setCharLength(obj->sciBHandle,SCI_CharLength_8_Bits); // set baud rate to 115200 SCI_setBaudRate(obj->sciBHandle,SCI_BaudRate_115_2_kBaud); SCI_setPriority(obj->sciBHandle,SCI_Priority_FreeRun); SCI_enable(obj->sciBHandle); return; // end of HAL_setupSciB() function
3) hal.h
//! \brief Sets up the sciA peripheral //! \param[in] handle The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) handle extern void HAL_setupSciA(HAL_Handle handle); //! \brief Sets up the sciB peripheral //! \param[in] handle The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) handle extern void HAL_setupSciB(HAL_Handle handle);
4) proj_lab01.c
LED blink frequency is set to 1 Hz.
in main()
uint16_t dataRx; uint16_t success; // For ever loop while(true) { //Random numbers (3,4,255,0) transmit in main(), uncommented when Echoback is commented /* dataRx=3; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=4; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=255; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=0; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx);*/ //Echoback if(SCI_rxDataReady(halHandle->sciBHandle)) { while(SCI_rxDataReady(halHandle->sciBHandle) == 0); dataRx = SCI_getDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, &success); success = SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); } }
in mainISR()
//uint16_t dataRx; // toggle status LED and random numbers (3,4,255,0) transmit in ISR() @ 1Hz if(gLEDcnt++ > (uint_least32_t)(USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz / LED_BLINK_FREQ_Hz)) { HAL_toggleLed(halHandle,(GPIO_Number_e)HAL_Gpio_LED2); gLEDcnt = 0; //Uncommented when data not transmitted through main() /* dataRx=3; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=4; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=255; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx); dataRx=0; SCI_putDataNonBlocking(halHandle->sciBHandle, dataRx);*/ }
All the remaining code lines remain unchanged.
Results of these codes:
Only certain characters echoback (w,W,u,U,o,k,m,[,],{,}). This is done using Simulink and as well as in terminal available in code composer (CCSv6).
When I transmit any other characters apart from this it does not echo back correctly. Furthermore, after two characters other than the list it stops echoing.
Transmit in main()
When I transmit the values 3,4,255,0 continuously in main(), I receive garbage values as shown in terminal and Simulink view.
Terminal view
Simulink view
To check whether I receive data correctly at SCIA terminal of the TAPAS board from the MCU, I used an oscilloscope to view at GPIO 29 directly. This result is given below and it seemed alright.
Transmit in mainISR()
I tried sending the values 3,4,255,0 at 1 Hz in mainISR(). This resulted in garbage values as well but different from the above.
Terminal view
Simulink view
Sorry about the long post. I would like to know
1) What's wrong with SCI. Is it correctly coded?
2) How can I rectify this problem to receive the data correctly in PC from the MCU?
Hi Whitney,
These are the values during constant transmission of values 3,4,255 in ISR at 1 Hz.
I also tried the same code with LAUNCHXL-F28069M development kit and received the same output.
Furthermore, I tested SIEMENS TAPAS converter board with controlsuite echo back example and it worked fine.
But, I could not figure out why SCI doesn't work properly with motorware code.