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CCS/TMS320F28379D: F28379D Dual Core Flash Project Example

Part Number: TMS320F28379D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


are there any examples or tutorial to program a Dual core project on a Flash memory? I am trying to run a simple blinky project. I can program and debug a dual core project using RAM linker files (2837xD_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd and 2837xD_RAM_lnk_cpu2.cmd) but when i link the Flash linker files (2837xD_FLASH_lnk_cpu1.cmd and 2837xD_FLASH_lnk_cpu2.cmd). It doesn't work. I have defined the pre defined symbol "_FLASH" as well. I can run a single core project using Flash linker file but for Dual core i have no idea where i am making mistake.  I have uploaded some screen shots of my code. Any example regarding Dual Core Flash Project would be very helpful



  • Hasan,

    We have dual CPU examples in C2000Ware. Are you using "blinky_dc" in f2837xd\examples\dual folder ?


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi Vivek,

    Thanks for response. Yes i have seen the "blinky_dc" example in C2000/Ware but actually my issue is i can run this example using RAM linker file "2837xD_RAM_lnk_cpu1.cmd" but i haven't been able to run this example using Flash linker "2837xD_Flash_lnk_cpu1.cmd". I want to create a dual core project from scratch. I can link and debug a dual core project using RAM Linker but with Flash Linker, it doesn't work. There is something i am missing or i don't know. What is the procedure to link a Flash file to a dual core project? How to debug a dual core project using Flash memory? Please guide

  • Hasan,

    When you say it does not work, what is actually happening? Does to code get stuck at some place or you are getting compile error. We need a bit more info because the example code in C2000Ware should work without any issue.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi Vivek,

    Actually i don't know how to debug a Dual CPU project on a Flash memory. At the moment, i am trying to debug a Dual CPU Project the same way as its done for RAM. For the RAM, my code is working perfectly fine. I don't know if it is the correct way for Flash memory debugging because when i do, the program gets stuck in a while loop invoking an ILLEGAL ISR  function which ultimately halts everything.

    For Flash memory debugging, i am following this procedure:

    1) First i download the program to CPU1

    2) Then i connect the cpu2 and load the program in cpu2

    3)Then i run the code on cpu1 and then cpu2

    This procedure works fine with RAM linker file but invokes an ILLEGAL ISR  function when i move to FLASH_LNK_CPU.cmd

    Please guide



  • Hasan,

    Please go through C2000 workshop to better understand the debug aspect of these devices.


    Vivek Singh