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TMS320F28379D: TMS320F28379D Emulation using FTDI chip FT2232H-USB to JTAG Converter

Part Number: TMS320F28379D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO


We are using TMS320F28379D Delphino processor in our design.

We are referring to application schematics -F2837x controlCARD schematics for programming and emulating the TMS320F28379D. We are using the same circuit used on TI eval board. 

In reference schematics  FT2232H USB to JTAG Converter is used. Functionality of FTDI chip is to convert the USB stream data to JTAG data.

For board emulation to TMS320F28379D do we need to get binary source from TI


it works straight forward based on the driver from Code composer studio.

Below is my understanding

From host side when the USB device is pluggedin if the device is recognized then CCStudio application, we can choose the target through JTAG and emulate TMS DSP

Could you please confirm?



  • Phani,

    Your 1st  option is correct, you will need to program the EEPROM attached to the FTDI so that it behaves as a XDS100V2.  I have attached a ZIP file that includes the FTDI FTPROG programmer and the binary for the XDS100V2.  There is also a batch file in the root that when launched will perform the necessary operations from the command line to program the EEPROM.

    After this is complete, you should power cycle you board, then proceed with the normal CCS connection as you mention.
