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CCS/TMS320F280049C: F280049 - Zero Boot Mode Select (modify .asm & .cmd)

Part Number: TMS320F280049C

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear TI team,

My C2000 device is F280049 ( 64 pin), I want to change boot mode when I use CCS9.1 LED sample project.

My step as below:

1. modify "f28004x_codestartbranch.asm" ======================>

* Function: codestart section
* Description: Branch to code starting point

.sect "codestart"

.sect "OTP_KEY" ; add by me
.int 0x5AFF ; add by me
.sect "OTP_BMODE" ; add by me
.int 0xFFFF ; add by me
.sect "OTP_Boot" ; add by me
.int 0xFF03 ; add by me



2. modify "28004x_generic_flash_lnk.cmd"

PAGE 0 :
/* BEGIN is used for the "boot to Flash" bootloader mode */

BEGIN : origin = 0x080000, length = 0x000002
RAMM0 : origin = 0x0000F5, length = 0x00030B

RAMLS0 : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x000800
RAMLS1 : origin = 0x008800, length = 0x000800
RAMLS2 : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x000800
RAMLS3 : origin = 0x009800, length = 0x000800
RAMLS4 : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x000800
RESET : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002

OTP_BMODE : origin = 0x07800C, length = 0x000001 /* Add by me */
OTP_KEY : origin = 0x07800D, length = 0x000001 /* Add by me */
OTP_Boot : origin = 0x07801C, length = 0x000003 /* Add by me */

/* Flash sectors */
/* BANK 0 */


codestart : > BEGIN, PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4)
.cinit : > FLASH_BANK0_SEC1, PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4)
.switch : > FLASH_BANK0_SEC1, PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4)
.reset : > RESET, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used, */

OTP_BMODE : > OTP_BMODE, PAGE = 0    /* Add by me */
OTP_KEY : > OTP_KEY, PAGE = 0                /* Add by me */
OTP_Boot : > OTP_Boot, PAGE = 0               /* Add by me */

.stack : > RAMM1, PAGE = 1

#if defined(__TI_EABI__)

3. Build project and connect to debug mode -> program Flash -> and After program it will stop at as below screen.

4.Then I stop CCS debug mode & power off.

5.Power on, and program LED project sample code (original) 

5. I found it can work for Zero Boot Mode Select , it always boot in to Flash mode (don't care GPIO24 or GPIO32 pin )

6. As my step 3 screen, is it correct ? and my step is correct? it need prgram Zero Boot Mode Select project then program application project?