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TMS320F28377D-EP: Unable to program/erase CPU2

Part Number: TMS320F28377D-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, TMS320F28377D, C2000WARE


I am working on custom board with a TMS320f28377DPTPEP (I worked previously on boards with TMS320f28377DPTPT and evrything went fine).

I am trying to program both CPUs on this new board, but i am unable to access CPU2, the command fails with the following errors:

[ERROR] C28xx_CPU2: Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0xc0eb: (Error -1066 @ 0xC0EB) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package
[ERROR] C28xx_CPU2: Error executing PLL configuration algorithm. Operation cancelled. (0x0)
[ERROR] C28xx_CPU2: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
I tried erasing the flash of CPU2 by using uniflash without programming, i have the same error. CPU1 works fine.
I am using Uniflash
I have tried using the latest version of Uniflash 6.0. I get the same result. I also have the same problem with CCS 8.3.
Boot0 and Boot1 pins are configured for Get / Flash (BOOT0 = 1 and BOOT1 = 1). 
What is the meaning of this error that i am getting ?  And is there anything else to do to make CPU2 programming Work ?.
Thank you for your help,
  • Oussama,

    Couple of things to try:

    1) Try to use the same CCS/UniFlash setup that is failing now on a previous board that worked fine.  

    2) Try using the device from this failing board on a board that worked earlier.   

    Apart from that, please check for updates in CCS and install if any (including emulator drivers) and see if that works.  

    Are you able to write anything in RAM at address 0xc0eb? Please check and let me know.  This is the address mentioned in the error message that you provided.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Vamsi,

    Thank you for your answer.

    1) all my previous boards are flashing correctly with same uniflash / ccs setup that I am using with the new board.

    2) in order to do this, I must remove (desolder) the tms320f28377D chip on both boards and reconnect them. I don’t think it is possible for me to do this kind Of  thing.

    I already checked and installed all updates on ccs. It does not help.

    Can I write something at that address in ram using uniflash? Or do I need to execute code from CPU1 that writes at this address?

    Is there any difference that i am missing between the new chip that is not working (TMS320f28377DPTPEP) and the old one that works fine (TMS320f28377DPTPT)


  • Oussama,

    You can try to write in to that address in CCS memory window.

    You can also try to load an application in RAM at that address.

    In UniFlash, you can only read memory.  You can't write to memory except for flash loading.

    I will check on the chip diff and get back to you.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Vamsi,

    I tried what you asked for. With css, memory browser, i can write in ram at the address in the error log (0xc0eb).


  • Oussama,

    Thank you for the confirmation.  

    I am trying to get a EP device to test on my side.  It takes sometime for me to get one due to the covid situation.

    Are you able to load any C2000ware example code in to RAM and execute successfully on CPU2?

    Thanks and regards,


  • Vamsi,

    I just finished doing some hardware testing on the board. 

    I saw that a reset (on the XRS pin of the tms320f28) was issued by our board 1.2 V voltage supervisor at the start of CPU2 programming. 

    I disconnected the supervisor and i successfully programmed the CPU2.

    So the main issue is that during CPU2 programming, i have an over voltage on the 1.2 V line that is causing the supervisor to reset the device. 

    Is there any difference between CPU1 and CPU2 programming, power consumption wise ? 

    Anyway, thank you for your help and fast response. No need for further testing on EP device device.



  • Oussama,

    Please check the errata advisory "Low-Power Modes: Power Down Flash or Maintain Minimum Device Activity" in 

    Thanks and regards,
