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I am working in master slave concept of two inverters. I want to synchronize the both inverter PWM's.
I am giving 20kHz PWM from the master device to slave device. This 20kHz pwm is given to ecap pin.
I want to enable synchronization of epwm in slave device using this ecap.
Please give me some suggestion.
Thanks and Regards
Hi, due to inclement weather in our region, many of our subject matter experts are without power and unable to provide support at this time. An expert will get back to you as soon as possible but it likely will not be until next week.
if this is for a new project I would recommend using a newer design like TMS320F2807x or TMS320F2837x or TMS320F28004x.
In any case I would recommend you look at EPWMSYNCI and EPWMSYNCO. These peripheral options are designed to allow the ePWM to by synchronized to the outside world.
If there is no specific reason why you need to use the eCAP then I would recommend you use this feature.
Ok am Waiting to resolve my issue.
and if u can send any references, i will study and work on that
Thanks and Regards
The technical reference manual describes these features.
You might find " Time-Base Counter Synchronization" useful.
The datasheet describes the pinout and the pin locations.
Looking at the datasheet for XRD, it does not indicate any GPIO function. It only shows that it is connected to the external interface read enable.