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TMS320F28027F: Overhead of ADC

Part Number: TMS320F28027F
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28027F


I'm discussing with a customer about an ADC plan for a SW regulator.

As a test I tried single ADC. The time was 1213nsec.

480nsec was for the ADC 1st conversion, therefore the remaining 733nsec would be the overhead.

Could you please tell me the overhead 733nsec is agreeable or not?

I attached my result XLS and test code for CCS612.

: base sample code = Example_F2802xEPwmUpAQ v230
: compiler optimization = 3
: tSTART = (ePWM1.TBCTR=10), cmpA, PwmB=Set, GPIO1=rise.
: tSTOP = (my code on ADC ISR entry)
: Board = LaunchXL-F28027F
: INTOSC1=10MHz, SYSCLKOUT=50MHz, ADCCLK=50MHz  (as long as study from code)

p.s. I intentionally ignored the 1st sample issue to see overheads.

