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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE


Ther's an issue on the following file:


At the Line 140:

    InitSysPll(/*INT_OSC2*/XTAL_OSC,IMULT_20,FMULT_0,PLLCLK_BY_1);      //PLLSYSCLK = 20MHz(XTAL_OSC) * 20 (IMULT) * 1 (FMULT) /  2 (PLLCLK_BY_2)

PLLCLK_BY_1 should be PLLCLK_BY_2





  • Stefano,

    When using the controlCARD with TMDSECATCNCD379D , there is no EMIF1 option. The J9 connecter has EMIF2 routed, so user will not turn on EMIF1 option by default and this would turn ON line 143, with XTAL OSC on control card being 20MHz we use a divider of 2 to get to 200MHZ.

    Now why the EMIF1 option is provided, it is for users who prefer to test the example with EMIF1 and now the only platform that TI provides is a LAUNCH PAD and the J9 connector on LAUNCH PAD has EMIF1 available. So if user want to build a ET1100 based board as per TI Design ( for the ASYNC16 interface and want to use it with Launch PAD then it would fit in with the J9 connector on Launch PAD and on the SW they can turn ON the EMIF1 option. On Launch PADs the XTAL OSC is 10MHz so we would use a divider of 1 to get to 200MHz. Also customers could buy a TMDSCECATCNCD379D kit and put the ESC daughter card on a LaunchPAD for F28379D and turn ON EMIF1 to get this set up working.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards
    Santosh Athuru
  • Stefano,
    you can also refer to the controlSuite examples on how the PLL is initialized for LaunchPAD vs ControlCard set ups. One thing to remember when using SW provided with kits is that it is reference SW and user needs to check with the latest device support SW collateral to see if anything is updated. The device support collateral keeps getting updated more often than the SW provided with reference kits. Things shouldn't break but it is kind of best practice.

    for ex: in your case you would look at the InitSysCtrl() implementation in the latest device support package for your MCU and see if there are any changes that you need to adapt.

    Best Regards