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TMDSILPFCKIT: The usage of ".usect"


Hi team:

I have a problem about the usage of ".usect" when I use the TMDSILPFCKIT kit.
I check the <TMS320C28x Assembly Language Tools v15.12.0.LTS User's Guide> and found that "uninitialized sections" is stated like pictrue 1.

But I found another usage like pictrue 2.

Are they all right? And if yes, which situation should we use the usage 2?

Best regards

  • K.K.
    They are both correct! :)

    The 2nd instance is taking advantage of some optional flags for blocking and alignment to ensure that the PFC variables are all allocated together and at 32-bit boundaries to ensure a consistent cycle count when these variables are used by the MCU.

    The first operation is relying more on the assembler defaults. In the case of the 2nd usage in the PFC code this should make the assembly code more portable, in that the macro could be instanced multiple times.

    Refer to section 2.3.1 for more info on these optional fields.
