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TMS320F2809: TMS320F2809PZA

Part Number: TMS320F2809
  •  DSP- TMS320F2809PZA @ TI Website it is mentioned that this product is not recommended for new design.
  • We are using this part in our product- kindly confirm its obsolescence or its availability/supply from TI in market for next 5-10 years so we can plan for new design apart from production/service support.
  • Hello,
    F2809 is still ACTIVE. It is not set to Not Recommended for New Designs (NRND), but we do have a recommended alternative part. At this point we have no plans to stop manufacturing.

    F2809 is a part that was introduced in the mid 2000s so we want customers starting NEW designs to be aware there are newer devices that will have longer lifetimes and have more features at lower costs. In this case the F28004x series is a good recommendation for F2809.

    TI does not guarantee supply, though we have a history of manufacturing devices for many, many, years. We are still shipping in high volume the two previous generations of F28x from F2809, the F281x and F280x series.

    Here is the official TI Policy policy&tisearch=Search-EN-Everything