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Part Number: TMDSCNCD28335
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, C2000WARE

Hi, i am making a PCB using TMS320F28335ZJZ.

I would like to ask why GPIO-00 to GPIO-07 have a resistance of 33R and the rest of GPIOs don't have them in the schematic of TMDSCNCD28335.

and why ADC-A6, ADC-A7, ADC-B6 and ADC-B7 don't have RC filter?



  • Ramy,

    On earlier controlCARD designs we were concerned Electrical Over Stress(EOS) on PWM pins. The controlCARDs are made to be general purpose and the PWMs(GPIOs 1 through 7) are often connected to gate drivers. During software development it is common to damage gate drivers so we added series-current-limiting resistors to try and protect the device if a gate driver were to be damaged.

    The ADC pins you are mentioning are missing RC filters and ESD protection diodes. The thought was to demonstrate how a controlCARD could preform with and without these circuits. On newer controlCARDs it was decided that we should not do this. We now provide RC filters and ESD protection diodes on all ADC channels because they provide the cleanest and safest signals to the ADC.


  • Thanks a lot for your fast response. I would like to ask which program do you use to desgin the PCB. Becuase i found the schematic of the TMS320f28335 control Card but i don't know if it has the PCB design with it. I would to know how many layers used.

  • Ramy,

    Looking at the read me files in C2000Ware it looks like it was created in Mentor PADS.

    Secondly, Looking at the gerber files in C2000Ware it appears that there are 6 layers in this board.
