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TMS320F28388D: What is the procedure for entering emulate-standalone-boot mode

Part Number: TMS320F28388D

I am trying to use CAN-boot-mode to load an application (which doesn't work of course), so I am trying to run the TI-bootloader in the debugger to view the boot-status, and I don't think I am programming the EMU-BOOTPIN-CONFIG register properly and/or I am missing some key step. Here are the steps I am following:

1. Short GPIO84 to ground (for CAN-boot-mode), and connect/load my application via JTAG.

2. Set memory address 0xD00 (EMU-BOOTPIN-CONFIG) to 0xA5 using CCS Memory Browser, and click CPU Reset and Run.

3. The PC counter is often changing, but it is also often stopped at 0x3FB114, which for Rev A silicon (which I have), this indicates Wait Boot mode.

4. The boot-status value at address 2 shows 0x0B, which is stated to be invalid.

All I can think of is the steps above must not be completely correct; do you have any suggestions?

Also, in CAN-boot-mode, what address range should the PC counter properly stall at while waiting for the incoming CAN stream? The "wait point addresses table for CPU1" does not contain a CAN-boot-mode section. 



  • Hi Jim,

    There are two bootmode pins GPIO72 and GPIO84. What is the value on GPIO72 pin ?

    Also to emulate standalone boot, you need to set 0xD01 location (KEY is 31:24 bits in EMUBOOTPINCONFIG location) to 0xA5xx (e.g. 0xA500) value.

    Please try that and let us know if you still have issue. 


    Vivek Singh

  • I am using the 28388 development board, which has switch (S2) connected to both GPIO72 and GPIO84, but I verified that GPIO72 is 3.3V and GPIO84 is ~0.1V.

    I also tried setting 0xD01 to 0 (with D00 set to 0xA5), and there was no change.

    I should point out that this development board is running with a 25Mhz crystal. I asked TI yesterday if that would be OK (the CAN-boot-mode assumes a 20Mhz crystal to get 100kbps, so running at 25Mhz should cause the CAN-boot-mode to set a 125kbps baud). Hareesh thought it should be OK. Do you think that could cause this problem?



  • Jim,

    You need to set 0xD01 location with value 0xA500, not 0xD00.


    Vivek Singh