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Hi Team.
I bought a new MSP FET at My USB port doesn't recognize the emulator
I manually reinstalled the driver (Ti_ msp430driver_ setup_ or Ti_ msp430driver_ setup_ Zip), I tried to change the other two computers, and the problems were the same (USB port was not recognized). When the newly purchased MSP FET is connected to PC, the "power" LED is always on and the "mode" LED is always off. My computer environment is win10, IAR for MSP430 7.12.
I have another msp-fet430uif that can be used normally (I have been using it). I think I can rule out the computer and driver problems.
Is there any other way?
Is it a quality problem? I bought it on July 14. Can I exchange it.
Please help.
Hello Pubg,
Here are some things you can try to resolve the issue.
You mentioned installing the drivers but you can go through the steps listed in the MSP Debuggers User's Guide there are 4 different installation methods mentioned in the document (Section 4) . Also try programming an example code either through the CCS or CCS Cloud to see if the FET responds to the software. Section 5 contains a lot of specifics to the MSP-FET including the LED Signals and operation requirements; in the user's guide you have a last resort cold boot (Section
Let us know if the problem persists.
Hi Luke
Thank you for your reply.
First of all, I have another emulator msp-fet430uif in use, so I don't think this driver is a problem.
I have tried to download the program with IDE IAR ew430 7.12 before, which prompts "one of the connected MSP feeds / EZ feeds debuggers needs recovery", and then click OK, which prompts "only one msp-fet ez-fet debugger can be connected to your system due recovery."Then click OK. Repeat .
Does MSP FET conflict with msp-fet430uif?
I saw this "cold start" before.To execute this procedure, the msp-fet cover must be opened by unscrewing the four screens on its back,
I'm worried that if I do this, the problem still exists. Will TI replace this emulator?
Hello Pubg,
The MSP-FET430UIF and the MSP-FET use different drivers so there could still be a potential driver issue. Please go ahead and try the cold-boot process. This was put into place to help recover MSP-FETs that have been potentially overwritten with incorrect firmware. We haven't seen any quality issues with the MSP-FET at this time so if the cold-boot doesn't work please keep us updated. As a last resort, reprogramming the MSP-FET with another programmer could also fix the issue.
Also, make sure to only have one debugger connected regardless of type, this includes launchpads.
Hi Luke
Thank you for your reply.
I try the cold-boot process(slau647o.pdf MSP-FET HID Cold Boot).
I connect a jumper to j2 (for MSP-FET 2.0.6),Then Plug in the USB cable.The MSP-FET is stil not recognized by the device manager of the OS. Start the IDE (IAR ew430 7.12 or CCS 10.4), it prompts “MSP430: Error: MSP-FET / eZ-FET recovery failed”.the "power" LED is always on and the "mode" LED is always off.
the problem still exists.What should I do next?
Is this emulator a quality problem? Ti's customer service center needs your confirmation, and then will give me another normal emulator. Will you? thank you.
Hello Pubg,
Although, I do not think there is a larger quality problem with the MSP-FET, I can confirm that the best course of action here is a new MSP-FET. If you are already talking to customer service about getting a new MSP-FET, please show them this post as confirmation that a replacement MSP-FET is warranted. Our local TI Sales team may be in contact with you soon to help in this process. If you have issues getting a replacement MSP-FET, please post back here and let me know. In the mean time, I will be closing this post. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
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