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MSP430FR2355: Using Hardware Watchpoint with Data??

Part Number: MSP430FR2355

Good evening....

I would like to create a HW watchpoint on TB1CCTL1 when the CCIFG gets set....I select watchpoint with Data under breakpoints and enter the register along with write....The question is what hex value do I want to put so that the code stops and the breakpoint triggers when CCIFG goes off?  I tried 0x01 but the code doesn't seem to stop ....

I can easily place a HW breakpoint in the ISR but what I would really like to know is prior to getting to the ISR where the code is when the CCIFG goes from 0 to 1 after CCIE has been set


  • 1.I think you are using advanced breakpoint function. It should work. Can you try other features? Sorry I don't have board at hand currently.

    2.You can also check the stack to find the PC value, then search the MCU address. Finally, you will know where is it. If you don't always need this function. You can try this way. 

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