Hi team,
My customer has some issues compiling for the MSP430G2553. The code that they are trying to build is very old.
They see that the code has been built using Code Composer Studio version 5 and the MSP430 v4.4 compiler. They have been trying to install the MSP compiler with no success, this is the process they have been following in Code Composer:
Help -> Install New Software…
- Select Code Generation Tools Updates - http://software-dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/sdo_ccstudio/codegen/Updates/p2win32 in the drop down
- Filter MSP
- Selecting MSP430 Compiler Tools Version 4.4.8 and press Next
- Press Finish
This is the error message that I get:
Not sure if this has anything to do with site maintenance since http://software-dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/sdo_ccstudio/codegen/Updates/p2win32 returns the following:
Could you please confirm if the steps seem to be correct? Any guidance would be appreciated!