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MSP430F5529: How can I use UART BSL to update MSP430 firmware?

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Dear all,

I use MSP430F5529LP.

I use MSPFlasher_1.3.20 to flash MSP430F5529 uart bsl (BSL.

>>> use this command on windows -> MSP430Flasher.exe -n MSP430F5529 -b -w BSL. -v

After that, I connect MSP430F5529LP RX(P1.2), TX(P1.1), TST/SBWTCK, RST/SBWTDIO.

and follow the BSL entry sequence signal, as blow:

TST/SBWTCK >>> low
TST/SBWTCK >>> high
TST/SBWTCK >>> low
RST/SBWTDIO >>> high
TST/SBWTCK >>> high

And then, I use BSL_Scripter.exe to update new firmware

It is not show any error message. but the firmware update is not success.

How can I solve it? please help me. Thanks.

  • First what do you mean by not success? Have you try it by a power cycle?

    Have you try to download the image by SBW and does it work?

    You can also read out the data from the image by SBW to see if it download success by BSL.

  • Hi Gary,

    I solved my problem. I think is entry sequence error.

    I change entry sequence and then can update firmware by uart bsl.

    GPIO_write(Board_P2_0_RST, 0);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_1_TCK, 0);
    Task_sleep((unsigned int)100);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_1_TCK, 1);
    Task_sleep((unsigned int)20);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_1_TCK, 0);
    Task_sleep((unsigned int)40);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_1_TCK, 1);
    Task_sleep((unsigned int)20);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_0_RST, 1);
    Task_sleep((unsigned int)20);
    GPIO_write(Board_P2_1_TCK, 0);

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