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Hi Team,
I am developing an application based on msp430fr5994 chips.
In which, I need to preserve data on FRAM when the program is running.
Then I power off the device, now I need to retrieve data preserved on FRAM.
How can I do that?
With best regards,
From a device with no power? You can't.
You could include code on the device that would communicate (UART, I2C, SPI, etc.) with some other system.
Or use JTAG/Spy-By-Wire to recover the data.
This should all be pretty obvious so I guess I really don't understand your question.
I mean when It recoveries from the power-off state. How can I retrieve data that was preserved before?
use JTAG/Spy-By-Wire to recover the data.
How can I do by Spy-By-Wire?
That is the thing you used to load the code into the MSP430 in the first place. Use it with a debugger to examine memory.
It depends on which debugger you use. I uses gdb which has the 'x' command:
I am using the msp430 GCC debugger according to the slau591 file. I still cannot make it work.
So, do you have any examples related to the slau591 file?
Hello Gaosheng,
It has been some time since we have heard from you. Are you able to read memory?
Hi Gaosheng,
It's been a while since we have heard from you, so I'm going to assume you were able to move forward with your project.
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