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i'm trying to flash an MSP430i2020 (and MSP430i2040) but keep getting 'verification failed' when flashing with ccstudio and uniflash
* ccstudio V12
* example blink (via new project.. no changes where made)
* pcb is breadboard with mcu soldered on an adapter board for TSOP28
wat are the minimal requirements (shema) for flashing this mcu via SBW and MSP-FET
current connections
VCC - 10uF and 0.1uF to GND
RST/SBWTDIO - 47k to VCC and 1nF to GND
connection to MSF-FET
7. GND -- GND
any feedback is helpfull, i've already designed a pcb but would like to make sure the design is programmable
I think you can try to use no verification setting. I think there may be something wrong with the code in MCU.
Hello Eason
thank you for the resosponse but unfortunately that did not help
i already tried flashing without verification followed by reading the flash
the result was all FFFF in the target memory
could you please confirm that the above mentioned connections are sufficient for programming ? (it's from the datasheet)
later today i will try to flash the device using JTAG instead of SBW
i've also ordered a few proto's of the design, maybe the issue is with the not so ideal connections on a breadboard
sorry i did connect 7(SBWTCK) and 9(GND) not 5 and 7
i will wait for the pcb to arrive and test again, as it seems that the connections are correct thx
OK. I would suggest you change another new MSP430 and make a try.
When I used to meet this problem, I can use disable verification to solve it.
hello Eason
thanks for the support, the real proto boards arrived today and programming +verification is successfull !
i think the problems i had where with the breadboard and wires
all smd pcb is working fine !
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