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msp430 stand alone

Hi everyone,

I´m working with MSP430 family and I would like to program chip by a standalone way, and avoid debugger and pc connection. What changes should I do in linker script? Is there any guide like SPRA958J ("Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP") for TMS320?


  • Hi Jose,

    No changes necessary to the linker script. The "normal" configuration for MSP430 is to build the code for internal flash and execute from there. If you build an example project from TI or a basic project that you create from scratch and then tell the tools (IAR or CCS or other) to "debug" using the emulator, the tools will first flash the code into the target MSP430 (via JTAG) and then the MSP430 will execute it there. You can then disconnect the PC and the debugger and the code will still be in the MSP430 and will still execute from there.


  • Hi Jeff,

    thanks for you reply,  I'm using CCS v4 and the debug option, but it doesn't work when I disconnect the PC and I use a external VCC, I'm using the code of application note slaa494 for a power meter, It was wrote for IAR and I translated it for CCS. Code works ok with ccs and debug mode, I can push stop button of debug mode and MSP430 still runs and I can close CCS and the MSP430 continues running, but if I disconnect usb (I use MSP-FET430UIF debugger) from PC and I connect usb again MSP430 doesn't work anymore. Any suggestion?


    thanks and best regards.

  • Hi Jose,

    Do you have any way to power your target other than a JTAG tool? 

    The tool is probably holding the reset line low since you just plugged it into the PC.  You can verify that by inspection.

    Anyway if you can power the target some other way, it should run with no JTAG tool attached.



  • Do you have a pullup resistor and pulldown capacitor on the RST line? As long as this line is attached to the FETR, it is controlled by the FET and has the required high level for operation and low level during power-up. But if it is left open, it will (on older MSPs) catch radio waves and maybe simple hold the MSP in reset state. Also, on all MSPs it can be that the MSP starts as soon as VCC exceeds the brownout voltage, bu tmight be still not high enough for proper operation. If nothing is holding RST low for some time during VCC rise, the MSP might immediately crash.

  • Thanks for reply,

    it is a problem with FET,  when I disconnect FET from PC and then I connect FET again(for use FET vcc) it looks like if FET erases the MSP and MSP doens't work, however If I program with FET and I disconnect it from PC but then I use a external vcc, it works.



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