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MSP430F2272: Unable to interact with BSL using MSP-BSL (Rocket)

Part Number: MSP430F2272
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, MSP-FET


I'm attempting to read memory from a MSP430F2272 using BSLDEMO.exe (MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.03 - 2019)) and a MSP-BSL Rocket but am encountering the error below.

MSP                Rocket

P1.1 (32)          BSL-TX (also tried RX)

P2.2 (10)          BSL-RX (also tried TX)

DVss (4)           GND

DVcc (2)           Vcc

TEST (1)           TEST

nRST (7)           RST

TCK (35)           TCK

C:\ti\BSL-Scripter\DEPRECATED\BSLDEMO\BSLDEMO>BSLDEMO.exe -tRocket -cCOM77 -rc00 2 out.txt
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.03 - 2019)
Transmit standard password...
ERROR: Synchronization failed!
Device with boot loader connected?

I can connect to the MSP via JTAG using an MSP-FET and UniFlash with no problem and can read the BSL version data at 0xFFAh and verify that the BSL password is still all F's but cannot get it to talk to me over BSL with the rocket. I did also verify that the BSL is not disabled (word at 0xFFDE is not 0xAA55). Is there a problem with my connections or the command I am running? Is BSLDEMO.exe or the Rocket not compatible with the F2272?

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