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MSP430I2041: when firmware download using by Uniflash to the MSP430, Uniflash is stopped to running after load image

Part Number: MSP430I2041
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, , MSP430I2040


When firmware download using by Uniflash, It is not run anymore to the next step as below picture.

what problem does it have? and How can I fix it?

  • Hello YOO,

    Did you use the latest version of Uniflash? If not, please download the latest version from and try to do it again. If you have used the latest version, you can send the picture of your Uniflash setting to me such as "Porgram". "Setting & Utilities".

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello, Janz Bai,


    I downloaded and installed the latest version of Uniflash from but same problem is still occurred. So I send you pictures of that you request., Program and Setting&Utilities.


    Please check them and if you need more information, you can send an e-mail whenever.

    Best Ragards,

    Ui Min Yoo..

  • Hello Yoo,

    The txt file you want to download into MCU is 82.82 KB but the max Flash size of MSP430I2041 is 32 KB. Your file size is too big.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello Janz Bai,

    As I know, 82.82KB is txt file size. I think it's different with flash size. Actually, my colleague use that file(82.82KB) and his program is running well. Load image successfully. Please reconsider about this issue.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Yoo,

    Your meaning is right. Can you send your txt file to me and I can do some tests on my side. 

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello Janz Bai,

    I'm sorry but I can't openly send that file on here because of our security rule.

    Please let me know your e-mail address. I will send it to your e-mail.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Yoo,

    You can send your txt file to I will help you to check this issue. 

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • I send an e-mail just now. Please check it.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello Yoo,

    OK, i got it.

  • Hi, Janz Bai,

    Can you let me know the progress about this issue?

  • Hello Yoo,

    I will give you the response no later than tomorrow because I am out off office a few days ago.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello Yoo,

    I have got the LaunchPad for MSP430I2040 /1 in the afternoon today. Because I don't have the LauchPad of this chip, the test results yesterday is not accurate. I will do more further tests next Monday and update the results with you here. 

    By the way, another things, I think, can be confirmed:

    1). the actual size of the code because It can be confirm through the txt file;

    2). Whether the Flash region you want to write into and the Flash region you set to erase on Uniflash is the same because you choose "erase main memory only" in the Uniflash.

    And I will update the further test results here next Monday.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

  • Hello Yoo,

    I have done some tests on my side today using the MSP430I2041. And I can download the txt file you sent to me successfully. The actual size is 27128 bytes. Maybe you need check your own hardware connection, including the JTAG/ SBW interface and the cap near VDD, VCORE and RST. More detailed information can be found in datasheet.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai 

  • Hello, Janz Bai

    I still don't understand why it is failed on my laptop. I'm using Windows 10 pro. Last question is, perhaps is there a problem compatibility of OS?

    anyway, Thank you for supporting so far.

    Best Regards.


  • Hello Yoo,

    It is very strange. You can ask your colleague about the Uniflash version and OS version they used. I think the root cause maybe not the compatibility.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

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