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i have a problem with "iar", i was debugging my assembly code, all was working so good, i made some changes in my code and suddenly i read this errors when i pushed the go button, "Fatal error: Failed to re-initialize Session aborted!"
if i debug the code again, iar says:
"Fatal error: failed to initialize Check if hardware is connected, Check if drivers are installed, try to restart the computer, tools using the parallel port are not supported on windows vista"
but, the hardwere is connected, the drivers are installed, i was working with my launchpad perfectly, i am not using the parallel port, and i have windows 7!!!
this is my code:
#include "msp430g2231.h"
ORG 0F800h ; Program Reset
mov.w #0280h,SP ; Initialize stackpointer
mov.b #041h,&P1DIR
mov.b #001h,&P1OUT
call reta
mov.b #000h,&P1OUT
call reta
jmp main
mov.b #0FFh,R4
dec R4
jnz reta1
; Interrupt Vectors
ORG 0FFFEh ; MSP430 RESET Vector
please help me.
I don't see you writing your main start address into the interrupt vector area.
OFG 0FFFEH is fine, but then an
DB 0F800h should follow.
The MSp doesn't knwo where your program starts, and it does not automatically start at 0F800h, the begin of your MSPs flash. It can start anywhere (even in ram, if you want), and oyu need to tell it where to start. This is done by writing the proper start address to 0FFFEh. Wihtout this info, the MSP will read '0FFFFh' from there and jump there and then crash. And the debugger cannot establish a connection.
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