The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools (v16.9.0.LTS) manual says:
If you do not specify an ISR routine for some interrupt vectors, an ISR routine will be provided for those vectors from the RTS library and the RTS library will automatically be linked with your application. The default ISR routine puts the device in low power mode. You can override the ISR provided by the RTS by using the .intvec directive with the "default_isr" section name as shown in the following example.
.intvec "default_isr", isr_trap_function
Although I have this in my assembler file:
.intvec "default_isr",unexpected
The map file still shows:
LEA 0 0000ffb4 00000002
0000ffb4 00000002 rts430x_sc_sd_eabi.lib : int18.asm.obj (.int18)
PORT8 0 0000ffb6 00000002
0000ffb6 00000002 rts430x_sc_sd_eabi.lib : int19.asm.obj (.int19)
PORT7 0 0000ffb8 00000002
0000ffb8 00000002 rts430x_sc_sd_eabi.lib : int20.asm.obj (.int20)
EUSCI_B3 0 0000ffba 00000002
0000ffba 00000002 rts430x_sc_sd_eabi.lib : int21.asm.obj (.int21)
and so forth, mapping all unused interrupts something else.
I guess something is missing, any idea ?