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CCS/MSP430FR5994: Write a breakpoint in assembly

Part Number: MSP430FR5994

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

In Assembly language, if I wanted to put something in my code that would trigger the breakpoint mechanism in CCS, what would I write?

I am using the GNU assembler and can't seem to get the "ordinary" breakpoint to work.  I remember when I encountered this problem on an x86 processor I could trip an interrupt and break.  I was hoping I could do something similar in GNU assembly.

  • Hi George,
    the breakpoint functionality is a feature, that is related to the built-in debug logic in the MSP430, which you cannot access from the CPU or so to say from code execution itself. Dependent on the nature of the breakpoint, e.g. HW, conditional... the response or condition can be different, dependent of course also on the debug features integrated in the respective device (bigger devices tend to have more features, more break points and support of complex break points).
    So the breakpoint functionality is a combination of the IDE and the silicon, not a function of the code. The IDE configures the debug logic on chip according to its features and breakpoint selection.

    Best regards
  • The MSP430 ISA does not have a breakpoint instruction.

    But you can try to use "MOV.B #0,R3". CCS uses this (otherwise pointless) instruction as a software breakpoint, and configures the EEM to break when this instruction word (0x4343) is fetched.

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