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I've had no success getting the MSP430G2553 (Mounted on a TI Launch Pad) to talk to the MCP4725 DAC EVAL Board.
I have verified that the tx interrupt vector ISR is being called at a hig rep-rate (whether the Eval Board is connected to the msp or not).
I still havent figured out how to verify that a real ACK has come back from the MCP4725.
I'm using the pullup resistors on the MCP Eval board.
The code below atempts tto usesimple "FAST MODE" to talks to the MCP.
Every date transfer to UCB0TxBF results in a USCI0TX_ISR call. Thes occure even when the board is not connected.
Does anyon have this combination of devices working (or somethin VERY close to it)? I would sure appreciate a look at it. Any insights form you good people out there would be great.
What is a bedrock means of determining that the 430 and MCP are talking at the most fundamental level?
My code is shown below.
#include <msp430g2553.h>
volatile unsigned int i;
void FaultRoutine(void);
void ConfigWDT(void);
void ConfigClocks(void);
void TI_USCI_I2C_transmit(unsigned char , unsigned char * );
volatile int scans,stat[5];
void XI2C_Init(void);
unsigned char TI_USCI_I2C_slave_present(unsigned char slave_address);
unsigned char slaveAdd=0xc0>>1;
unsigned charllk sn;
void main(void)
_BIS_SR(GIE); // Turn on interrupts
P1OUT |= BIT0; // turn on red LED
for (i = 100; i > 0; i--); // wait
P1OUT &= ~BIT0; // turn off red LED
for (i = 5000; i > 0; i--); // wait
}//end main
void XI2C_Init()
P1SEL |= BIT6 + BIT7; // Assign I2C pins to USCI_B0
UCB0CTL0 = UCMODE_3 + UCMST + UCSYNC; // I2C, Master, synchronous mode
UCB0CTL1 = UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST; // Use SMCLK, keep SW reset
UCB0BR0 = 12; // fSCL = SMCLK/12 = ~100kHz
UCB0BR1 = 0;
UCB0I2CSA = 0xC0>>1; // Set slave address C0>>
UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear SW reset, resume operation
IE2 = UCB0TXIE; // Enable TX ready interrupt
UCB0CTL1 |= UCTR + UCTXSTT; // I2C TX, start condition
UCB0TXBUF = 0x00; // Write MSB Mode bits, PD BIts, Data MSB
// Fast Mode (bit 7,6=0,0) (PD bits 5,4=0,0),
// data bits 11-8
unsigned char TI_USCI_I2C_slave_present(unsigned char slave_address){
unsigned char ie2_bak, slaveadr_bak, ucb0i2cie, returnValue;
ucb0i2cie = UCB0I2CIE; // restore old UCB0I2CIE
ie2_bak = IE2; // store IE2 register
slaveadr_bak = UCB0I2CSA; // store old slave address
UCB0I2CIE &= ~ UCNACKIE; // no NACK interrupt
UCB0I2CSA = slave_address; // set slave address
IE2 &= ~(UCB0TXIE + UCB0RXIE); // no RX or TX interrupts
UCB0CTL1 |= UCTR + UCTXSTT + UCTXSTP; // I2C TX, start condition
while ((UCB0CTL1 & UCTXSTP)==0){ // wait for STOP condition
returnValue = !(UCB0STAT & UCNACKIFG);
IE2 = ie2_bak; // restore IE2
UCB0I2CSA = slaveadr_bak; // restore old slave address
UCB0I2CIE = ucb0i2cie; // restore old UCB0CTL1
return returnValue; // return whether or not
// a NACK occured
#pragma vector = USCIAB0TX_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI0TX_ISR(void)
unsigned char a;
if (IFG2 & UCA0TXIFG){
a=(P2OUT & ~0x3F);
a|=(~(scans>>8 & 0x3f));
P2OUT = a;
if(sn==1){//send LSB
//UCA0TXBUF = 0xff;//scans & 0xff;//*TI_transmit_field;
/*while((UCB0CTL1 & UCSCLLOW)==0){
if(sn==0){//send MSB (4-bits)
//UCA0TXBUF = 0x0f;//scans>>8 & 0x0f;//*TI_transmit_field;
/*while((UCB0CTL1 & UCSCLLOW)==0){
void ConfigWDT(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
void ConfigClocks(void)
if (CALBC1_1MHZ ==0xFF || CALDCO_1MHZ == 0xFF)
FaultRoutine(); // If calibration data is erased
// run FaultRoutine()
BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // Set range
DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation
IFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear OSCFault flag
BCSCTL2 |= SELM_0 + DIVM_3 + DIVS_3; // MCLK = DCO/8, SMCLK = DCO/8
void FaultRoutine(void)
P1OUT = BIT0; // P1.0 on (red LED)
while(1); // TRAP
#pragma vector = USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCIAB0RX_ISR(void)
if (IFG2 & UCNACKIFG){ // send STOP if slave sends NACK
When I look at your code flow, I see that you call TI_USCI_I2C_slave_present before the USCI is actually configured for baudrate and I2C mode.So teh UCB0 is running in SPI mode with
XI2C_Init is called later (or rather never called). However, XI2C_Init is a rather misleading name as this funciton does not only init the USCI for I2C, but also starts a transfer.
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