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MSP430G2553 and Boost-DRV8711 Eval kit

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOST-DRV8711, MSP430G2553

I just received the Boost-DRV8711 Eval kit and I am trying to get it up and running with the BOOST-DRV8711 Software Files and launch pad with a MSP430G2553. I am following the Boost-DRV8711 user guide and I'm at the step where I need to "Connect Target" as shown below.

However, when I do that I get the following error:

Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

Thank you,

  • I believe I got the MSP430G2553 flashed correctly and I have the GUI for the Boost-DRV8711 Eval kit up and running with no error codes. However, I am unable to get my motor to run. I see that my nFAULT and nSTALL are both high according to the GUI and from manually checking the board with a meter. I am also able to set the RESET high with the GUI and I can see that it is set high on the board by checking it with a meter. However, when I set nSLEEP high and check the board with a meter, the nSLEEP pin is low and not changing. Is there something wrong with the board or am I doing something wrong?

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