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For the MSP430F47197 Microcontroller with the MSP-TS430PZ100A development board, our design requires the crystal oscillator to be very accurate for the A/D conversion. With this development board comes with a crystal of MS1V-T1K (32.768kHz) and a suggestion for 12pF capacitor on C1 and C2 for the crystal capacitance load to use however no suggested setting for the internal cap (Softare Lingo: XCAPxPF).
I was reviewing the documents of the "Micro Crystal Switzerland" website and they provide suggested recommendation for the internal micro-controller setting and the capacitance load for the MSP430 series. However, the information we would like were not available for the TI Micro-controller: MSP430F47197 that we planned to use.
MSP430F47197 is the MSP430x4xx series and in the website for capacitance document suggestion for the crystal setting Quotes:
"Recommended Setting: Cx = 18pF (OSCCAPx = 3) Corresponding crystal's CL: 9.0pF"
However, the TI document for the MSP430x4xx does not have such "OSCCAPx" setting for software (only for the older x4xx series model does).
The only setting for the new IC in regards to the Cx for the MSPF43047197 (TI website: slau056j.pdf pg 304 FLL_CTL0, FLL+ Control Register 0) is the following:
XCAPxPF Bits 5−4
Oscillator capacitor selection. These bits select the effective capacitance
seen by the LFXT1 crystal or resonator. Should be set to 00 if the
high-frequency mode is selected for LFXT1 with XTS_FLL = 1.
00 ~1 pF
01 ~6 pF
10 ~8 pF
11 ~10 pF
Can someone provide us with the recommended setting for the best corresponding crystal value software setting for this development board?