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Hi there,
I am programming MSP430 F5438 experimenter board using CCSv5. I use the MSP-FET430UIF to debug and power the board. I want to use ADC12 to capture the voltage using one ADC channel. However, when I switch the voltage on the channel from 3V to 0V and resume,suspend the program, the console shows MSP430: Trouble Halting Target CPU: Internal error. How to deal with this problem?
Hi Baoqing,
I'm suffering exactly same error like you and also using same MCU, JTAG and IDE.
Did u solve this problem?
If u did, please let me know about this.
Best regards,
Check your schematics. Are you perhaps shorting the supply? The error message usually comes if the MSP doesn’t respond. Because it has crashed, is resetting or has no supply anymore.
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