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MSP430F5325 : In MSP430F5325 can we use ROM for storing data like external EEPROM

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Hi ..

We are developing our product using MSP430F5325,we want to stored accumulated energy count in EEPROM, so our questions are

1) Is it possible  to store accumulated energy count in ROM of MSP430F5325 ??

2) If yes,how and at which location or area of ROM of MSP430F5325 ??

3) Is external EEPROM required ??

Kindly help us.


  • I am waiting for the replay..I am new on MSP430 controllers.

     I want to decide about external EEPROM in my project.My code size is not greater than 3KB and I have approximately  3KB free controller  ROM

    kindly reply..

  • Hi,

    the MSP430 devices have no internal EEPROM, but you can use the internal INFO memory for this purpose.

  • hhh ggg said:
    1) Is it possible  to store accumulated energy count in ROM of MSP430F5325 ??

    Notin ROM,a sROM is Read Only Memory. But luckily, most MSPs have Flash memory, not ROM :)

    Yes, the MSP is capable of reprogramming its own Flash memory at runtime. Howeve,r thi shas some restrictions: it cannto execute any code from flash (including interrupts) while performing a flash write operation. Since overwriting flash requires erasign a whole Flash segment before writing the new data, this will take some time (in the ms range) and requires copying the content of the segment that has not to  be altered.
    To make this process easier, each MSP has some flash segments that are outside the main code flash area, called INFO memory. There, the segments are smaller, and this memory is not part of the compiler/linker used memory range. (So you can manage it by yourself, e.g. by using pointers in C)

    There are several threads abotu flash writing in this forum. Please use the forum search function.

    hhh ggg said:
    2) If yes,how and at which location or area of ROM of MSP430F5325 ??

    See the datasheet: Memory organization (Information memory). On the 5325, there are four segments of 128 bytes each, located between 0x1800 and 0x19FF.

    hhh ggg said:
    3) Is external EEPROM required ??

    No. However, an external eeprom allows the CPU to continue executing interrupts and performing the measurements while the EEPROM is busy writing its cells. Also, care must be taken to not erase the INFO memory when uplaoding a new firmware (proper project settings required). An external EEPROM would be safe. so whiel it isn't needed, it has some advantages that might be worth considering.

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