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Can`t load firmware using "MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example v1.2.1"

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529, CC2420, MSP430F5510

Hi all!!

I have a prototype with MSP430F5529. I implemented the same USB circuit of MSP-EXP430F5529 to load firmware via USB. But it doesn't work. I execute the program "MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example v1.2.1" and holding the BSL button before connecting the USB cable and my PC notify that the device is unknown and would not run properly.  And of course, the application USB firmware example don't recognize my circuit.

If my prototype is the same as the MSP-EXP430F5520 EBV, which would be the problem? It's a big problem because I don't implement any alternative to program the firmware.

EDIT: If the microcontroller is virgin, is it impossible to upload firmware via USB? Is it necessary to program it with a bootstrap or something similar?

Thanks a lot for pay attention.

Best Regards,



  • Luis L��pez said:

    Hi all!!

    I have a prototype with MSP430F5529. I implemented the same USB circuit of MSP-EXP430F5529 to load firmware via USB. But it doesn't work. I execute the program "MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example v1.2.1" and holding the BSL button before connecting the USB cable and my PC notify that the device is unknown and would not run properly.  And of course, the application USB firmware example don't recognize my circuit.

    If my prototype is the same as the MSP-EXP430F5520 EBV, which would be the problem? It's a big problem because I don't implement any alternative to program the firmware.

    EDIT: If the microcontroller is virgin, is it impossible to upload firmware via USB? Is it necessary to program it with a bootstrap or something similar?

    Thanks a lot for pay attention.

    Best Regards,


    Well, something is wrong with your  board. I never had any problems with using  MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example for flashing my (virgin) MSP430F5xx DIY boards (under WinXP). You can flash it with MSP430F5529 LP, and for USB BSL reference you can also use MSP430F5529 LP schematic.

  • zrno soli said:

    Well, something is wrong with your  board. I never had any problems with using  MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example for flashing my (virgin) MSP430F5xx DIY boards (under WinXP). You can flash it with MSP430F5529 LP, and for USB BSL reference you can also use MSP430F5529 LP schematic.

    Thanks a lot for your reply. We are thoroughly reviewing the design and the circuit seems to be correct. The programming circuit through the USB BSL has the same values of resistances and capacitors as the MSP430F5529 LP schematic that you have recommended me. The VUSB is used to supply the system via a 3.3Vdc regulator . All connections go to correct pin of the microcontroller.
    Is it possible that the periphery devices connected to MSP430F5529 (ADCs, OP amps, Radio CC2420, etc) are producing the programming error or it does not matter?
    On the other hand, there is any way to know if the microcontroller has the USB BSL pre-programmed?
    EDIT: The crystal implemented has 4MHz frequency. Do you advise me to use higher frequency?
  • Luis L��pez said:

    The VUSB is used to supply the system via a 3.3Vdc regulator .

    This is OK if input to regulator is coming from VBUS, so device is powering up at the same moment with plugging USB cable to PC. Another way to enter USB BSL mode without plugging/unplugging cable is to press together reset and BSL button, release reset first, and BSL (1 second) after. Anyway, with blank (virgin) chip, USB BSL will automatically started without plugging/button sequence.

    From slau319...

    Devices with USB are invoked when either of the following two conditions are met while the device is powered by VBUS:
    • The device is powered up by USB and the reset vector is blank.
    • The device powers up with the PUR pin tied to VUSB.
    Luis L��pez said:
    Is it possible that the periphery devices connected to MSP430F5529 (ADCs, OP amps, Radio CC2420, etc) are producing the programming error or it does not matter?
    Don't think so,because BSL is more or less ICSP, and I am using it for development with complete target board.
    Luis L��pez said:
    On the other hand, there is any way to know if the microcontroller has the USB BSL pre-programmed?
    All MSP430F5xx USB devices by default have USB BSL pre-programmed. If BSL exists can be checked with SBW/JTAG (MSP430F5529 LP).
    From slau208...
    All of the 5xx MSP430 devices come with a preprogrammed BSL (TI-BSL) code that, by default, protects itself from unintended erase and write access.
    Luis L��pez said:
    EDIT: The crystal implemented has 4MHz frequency. Do you advise me to use higher frequency?
    4, 8, 12, 24 MHz are OK for USB BSL, and it will work with any of these.
  • Well, finally we've found an error in the V18 pin of the microcontroller. The capacitor for 1.8Vdc of the core was missing and the pin was soldered to GND (OMG) :-S.

    So now, after fixing this big mistake, the MSP430 USB Firmware Upgrade Example works properly and we can load any firmware to the MSP430F5529.

    Please, forgive the inconvenience we have caused.



  • HI Zrno and Luis,

    I am facing a similar issue which had been discussed over this thread. I have a olimex STK board (msp430f5510) on which I have developed a usb based application. As the s/w seems pretty satisfactory we have designed a custom board inspired from stk board schematics. We have most part the same except for the 4MHz crystal, We have taught to use the internal clock of msp430 fro our programming.

    As I was unable to load the code using firmware upgrade tool, i was wondering weather this crystal is ment for this?

    my questions were:
    1. Do I have to have this 4MHz crystal to facilitate programming using Firmware upgrade tool?
    2. Is there any specific hardware to be implemnted in order to use firmware upgrade tool to programme the micro?

    Please help me. Thanks in Advance,

    Best Regards,


  • sri-sri said:

    1. Do I have to have this 4MHz crystal to facilitate programming using Firmware upgrade tool?

    Yes, 4/8/12/24 MHz XT2 must be present for USB BSL firmware update

    sri-sri said:
    2. Is there any specific hardware to be implemnted in order to use firmware upgrade tool to programme the micro?

    USB support, and BSL button for entering to USB BSL mode.

  • Thank you so much. Its a great help.
    I am very thankful for your swift reply.

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