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MSP430F5529 Experimenter Board LMP4

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529


I am using the MSP430F5529 Exp Board to test out low-power mode 4. I am running the demo  MSP430x552x_LPM4, which has the following main:

int main(void)
  WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT

 // Setup UCS
  UCSCTL4 = SELA_1;                       // Ensure VLO is ACLK source

  // Port Configuration
  P1OUT = 0x00;P2OUT = 0x00;P3OUT = 0x00;P4OUT = 0x00;P5OUT = 0x00;P6OUT = 0x00;
  P7OUT = 0x00;P8OUT = 0x00;PJOUT = 0x00;
  P1DIR = 0xFF;P2DIR = 0xFF;P3DIR = 0xFF;P4DIR = 0xFF;P5DIR = 0xFF;P6DIR = 0xFF;
  P7DIR = 0xFF;P8DIR = 0xFF;PJDIR = 0xFF;

  // Disable VUSB LDO and SLDO
  USBKEYPID   =     0x9628;           // set USB KEYandPID to 0x9628
                                      // access to USB config registers enabled
  USBPWRCTL &= ~(SLDOEN+VUSBEN);      // Disable the VUSB LDO and the SLDO
  USBKEYPID   =    0x9600;            // access to USB config registers disabled

  // Disable SVS
  PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H;                // PMM Password
  SVSMHCTL &= ~(SVMHE+SVSHE);         // Disable High side SVS
  SVSMLCTL &= ~(SVMLE+SVSLE);         // Disable Low side SVS

  __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits);             // Enter LPM4


Based on the Demo description, the measured current should be ~1.2uA, but I am getting around 850uA. I am using the 430PWR test points on the experimenter board to measure current to the MSP430 uC.

Is there something I am doing wrong with regards to the code, current measurement or is the EXP board not able to go lower then 850uA due to all of the other board peripherals?

  • Looking at the schematics, I see DVCC (which is beyond the test point) connected with 47k to RST pin (eZ430-FE_JMP), then there are several 10µF capacitors (and their leakage). It's also connected to the JTAG Vsense pin of the FET (JTAG_PWR_SEN jumper) and to the voltage level translator of the FET (also eZ430-FET_JMP), which may be the main reason for the power draw.

    You'll need to pull the five jumpers on eZ430-FET_JMP and the JTAG_PWR_SEN jumper to get the plain MSP current.

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