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I am using the MSP430F5529 Exp Board to test out low-power mode 4. I am running the demo MSP430x552x_LPM4, which has the following main:
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT // Setup UCS UCSCTL4 = SELA_1; // Ensure VLO is ACLK source // Port Configuration P1OUT = 0x00;P2OUT = 0x00;P3OUT = 0x00;P4OUT = 0x00;P5OUT = 0x00;P6OUT = 0x00; P7OUT = 0x00;P8OUT = 0x00;PJOUT = 0x00; P1DIR = 0xFF;P2DIR = 0xFF;P3DIR = 0xFF;P4DIR = 0xFF;P5DIR = 0xFF;P6DIR = 0xFF; P7DIR = 0xFF;P8DIR = 0xFF;PJDIR = 0xFF; // Disable VUSB LDO and SLDO USBKEYPID = 0x9628; // set USB KEYandPID to 0x9628 // access to USB config registers enabled USBPWRCTL &= ~(SLDOEN+VUSBEN); // Disable the VUSB LDO and the SLDO USBKEYPID = 0x9600; // access to USB config registers disabled // Disable SVS PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; // PMM Password SVSMHCTL &= ~(SVMHE+SVSHE); // Disable High side SVS SVSMLCTL &= ~(SVMLE+SVSLE); // Disable Low side SVS __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits); // Enter LPM4 __no_operation(); }
Based on the Demo description, the measured current should be ~1.2uA, but I am getting around 850uA. I am using the 430PWR test points on the experimenter board to measure current to the MSP430 uC.
Is there something I am doing wrong with regards to the code, current measurement or is the EXP board not able to go lower then 850uA due to all of the other board peripherals?
Looking at the schematics, I see DVCC (which is beyond the test point) connected with 47k to RST pin (eZ430-FE_JMP), then there are several 10µF capacitors (and their leakage). It's also connected to the JTAG Vsense pin of the FET (JTAG_PWR_SEN jumper) and to the voltage level translator of the FET (also eZ430-FET_JMP), which may be the main reason for the power draw.
You'll need to pull the five jumpers on eZ430-FET_JMP and the JTAG_PWR_SEN jumper to get the plain MSP current.
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