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I recently bought MSP430 USB debug interface MSP - FET430 UIF. I got a CD with the kit. The CD doesn't recognize on my windows 7 PC. When I connect the JTAG to my winows 7 PC, it doesnt install the driver. I tried pointing the software to CCS5 / driver folder. The device manager still shows yellow traingle.
Could you please point me where can i find the driver software for MSP430 USB debug interface MSP - FET430 UIF on windows 7 ?
Appreciate your time in responding to this email .
Hi Srinath,
CCS includes the drivers for the MSP-FET430UIF tool if you have MSP430 support installed with CCS. Do you know which version of CCS that you have installed? When you installed CCS, did you make sure to install MSP430 emulation support? It is selected by default if you are installing MSP430 support in CCS, but if you did some custom install it may not have been included.
In my CCSv5.5 install, I can see that the drivers are found at C:\ti\ccsv5\ccs_base\emulation\drivers\msp430. However, the drivers should have been installed when you installed CCS, so you may need to check that you have the correct version of CCS with all device and emulation support for MSP430 installed.
Dear Katie,
Thank you for your quick response. Yes, I did custom installation (CCSV5.4 for MSP430 only) but I ensured to check all the components required for MSP430. Is there a way to check if I missed any thing ?
Yes I do have CCSV5/CCS-base/emulation/drivers/msp430 folder as shown in attached picture. Please confirm if these are the correct files ?
Also I tried pointing the software installation manually to CCSV5/CCSbase/DebugSErver/drivers folder and CCSV5/CCSbase/emulation/drivers folders etc. Even though i get up to date driver installation notification, my device manager shows yellow traingle.
I restarted my PC multiple times. My CCSV5/CCSbase/DebugSErver/drivers folder has V2V3 and V32V2 files.
I uninstalled the driver and tried re installing by pointing to one of the above location. Finally Igot attached error notification.
Please comment if this is helpful to debug ?
Hi Srinath,
Let's back up a step. If you right-click on the FET tool in device manager and select Uninstall, let it uninstall, then un-plug/re-plug the FET tool into the PC, what exactly does the entry in Device Manager show up listed as saying (before you try to point it to any drivers or anything).
Also, you said you are running windows 7, but your screenshots look like you are using a Mac? Are you using a virtual machine or something? This might be important.
Looks like this was also posted in the CCS forum, where Lisa has provided some insight:
I did of what you recommended me to do. Uinstalled and replugged the device. I did this several times before as well. I still see the same issue (yellow triangle in device manager).
Yes, I am running on virtual machine.
I want to let you know that VM shouldn't any issues here. Bcoz, I worked on many experimenter boards,launch pads which pipes through my mac to windows VM. I could able to access in my VM. Even the CD drive is also accessible for me.
In attached picture, you can see that MSPFET 430UIF and my other MSP430 board is visible inside the VM.It shoissue, as the
It shows MSP430 device with no issues but MSPFET430UIF has issues(yellow traingle)
I assume it is the software driver error message as it clearly shows the software incompatibility.
Yes, similar post has been raised in MSP430 microcontrollers. I raised this service request with TI customer service last week. Its been 7 days i had been through back and forth communications, but none helped me. Finally they closed and pointed me to this forum.
Please comment.
I have one more idea:
When you plug your FET tool into the PC, what sequence do the LEDs on the front of the tool do - do you see RED-RED-RED-GREEN, or does the GREEN LED just turn on solid (no red LED blinking)? This will tell us whether the V2 or V3 firmware is currently loaded in your FET tool and therefore whether it is expecting the CDC or the VCP driver (it looked like the driver file you pointed it to before was VCP - it may be that your FET tool already has the V3 firmware and is expecting the CDC driver instead).
Thanks so much for your patience on this - it is a very unusual issue and as Lisa mentioned in the other thread, it is not an officially supported use-case.
Lisa's suggestion to try using the free Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite firmware is also an interesting idea, as I believe that software also provides its own drivers for the FET tool.
When I unplug and plug back, I see that RED RED RED and GREEN is glowing. Is that something expected ? Also the device manual of my kit shows that CD installation is applicable only to XP and 2000. So now I am also concerned if this is the firm ware issue ?
Sure, No worries. If I can resolve this at my end that would be great.If not I shall return this and get a new one from TI. But I want to make sure it shouldn't repeat with TI CD installation kit again.
The sequence means that your FET currently contains the V2 firmware, and so is expecting the VCP driver that you already pointed it to and gave you the error message. So it sounds like unfortunately this VCP driver from CCS is not compatible with your current configuration with the virtual machine.
If you have CCS already installed, then you should not need any installation CD - the drivers should already be installed.
At this point I would try installing the Lite FET-Pro430 Elprotronic software. I can see in my installation of this that it also has drivers for the FET tool, and it looks like there are VCP drivers split out for both 32 and 64 bit systems for XP, Vista, and Win7. I'm unsure if it will work in the virtual machine either though.
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