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Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite Installation Error

I find it odd that I can't find this error anywhere else, but I figured this maybe a good place to start.

I'm trying to program an MSP430 using Elprotronic's FET-Pro430 Lite tool (it's free!). However, I can't even begin to get to the programming of the device. When download the tool, unzip, and run setup.exe everything works okay, but when I actually run FET-Pro430 lite (after installation), a popup appears saying "Windows is configuring Elprotronic FET-Pro430...", and eventually I get an error "Fatal error during installation."

I'm running 64-bit Windows 7. I haven't come across anyone else having this issue, but considering all I've done is download and install the application (no weird configuration that would label me as an outlier) and I get an error, it makes me think that others would, too.

Is it possible that they've put up a corrupt version of the application? Can someone verify that it's not just me?

Here's the link to the download page -- 

And a link to the actual download -- 

  • Got it -- the shortcut that the installer adds to the desktop is somehow malformed. Going to the folder where the executable and then creating a shortcut from there works fine (just need to remove the shortcut that the installer creates).

    Silly issue, but I'm still surprised I didn't see this mentioned elsewhere.
  • Hi Max,

    I would call elprotronic directly. Their phone support is a breath of fresh air. I usually get one of the programmers on the phone. (905) 780-5789. I guarantee they have seen this problem before if you have encountered it.

    I did the download for version 3.3 (latest) and it installed and ran on my win7 x 64 machine. Try a reinstall with you antivirus off (dangereous, but this is a trusted source). I did have to click OK to the windows "allow this software to Install" dialog.

    Mine made it to the main elprotronic screen. It did throw a warning about "exceeds max device memory" but this is a configuration issue based on the last chip I had set up the programmer for.

    Good luck!

  • Blake, thanks for the response. Actually, before I first posted I called but got their voicemail, otherwise I'm sure it would've been worked out. Either way, I ended up figuring out the issue -- for some reason the installer-created desktop icon either pointed to the wrong location or something along those lines. Heading to the directory where the program was installed and then creating a desktop icon from the executable worked like a charm.

  • Sweet! That was an obscure one :) Installer issues will drive you nuts.

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