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I work with processor msp430f5438A.
And with IDE CCS 5.3.
The issue of the question is about I2C, UCRXIFG flag is not reset when reading from UCB1RXBUF ( single byte).
The system description:
The processor is the master in receive mode ( receive data from slave). The procedure of reading is depict in the user’s guide : slau208n.pdf page 960..
I attach the code ( see below).
The function work fine, The question is about the behavior of the flag UCRXIFG in register UCB1IFG ( will be call from now UCB1IFG. UCRXIFG) just in the case of reading 1 byte only ( there is no problem when I read more then 1 byte).
This flag according the user’s guide suppose to reset automatically after reading from UCB1RXBUF .
when I read at least 2 bytes , it work fine ( the UCB1IFG. UCRXIFG flag is clear after reading from ).
But when I read 1 byte only , the UCRXIFG flag is not reset. althogh the routine read 1 byte of data as I expected ( and I see in the scope that only 1 byte was sent from the slave to the master). the UCB1IFG. UCRXIFG is still set. ( and it suppose to clear).
This problem dosn't exist when I run step by step.
When I run step by step the UCB1IFG. UCRXIFG is always clear .
I would like to note that I was working by the book ( the user guide), which relate to the case of reading only one byte.
And I quote ( page 960) :
“If a master wants to receive a single byte only, the UCTXSTP bit must be set while the byte is being received. For this case, the UCTXSTT may be polled to determine when it is cleared:
BIS.B #UCTXSTT, &UCB0CTL1 ;Transmit START cond.
JC POLL_STT ;When cleared,
BIS.B #UCTXSTP, &UCB0CTL1 ;transmit STOP cond.
1) Is there any one have an idea why the UCB1IFG. UCRXIFG not reset after I read from UCB1RXBUF?
2) And why when I run step by step the flag is reset ( like it should be) .
// ------ calling the routine :
i call to the routine : I2cRdMng_4 (2, Rdbuf);
---the code
Uint16 I2CWaitToStart (void) { Uint32 I2CWatchCounter = I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; I2CWatchCounter = I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; while (((UCB1CTL1 & UCTXSTT))&& (--I2CWatchCounter));// Start condition sent? if (I2CWatchCounter==0)// then error { I2CErrNum = SET; // return FAIL; } return OK; } Uint16 I2CWaitToStop (void) { Uint32 I2CWatchCounter = I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; I2CWatchCounter = I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; while (((UCB1CTL1 & UCTXSTP))&& (--I2CWatchCounter)); if (I2CWatchCounter==0)// then error { I2CErrNum = SET; return FAIL; } return OK; } Uint16 I2cRdMng_4 (Uint16 numRd, unsigned char * Rdbuf) { Uint16 rslt; Uint32 I2CWatchCounter = I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; Uint16 RdIndx = 0; Uint16 NumOfRd = numRd; Rdbuf [0] = Rdbuf [1] = 0;// for debug only. forbid in the operation state<<<<<<<. if (NumOfRd == 0 ) { return TRUE; } UCB1CTL1 &= ~UCTR;// config as read. I2CWaitToStop (); UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTT;// transmit the address with the start condition. I2CWaitToStart (); //--this section deal with reading single byte only, -------------------- if (NumOfRd == 1) /* if need to get only one byte * the procedure is a little different. */ { UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTP;// generate stop condition. Rdbuf [0] = UCB1RXBUF;//UCRXIFG is automatically reset when UCxRXBUF is read return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* after the start condition ( the transmitted with the address) * the master need to wait for the ack from the slave. * ( after that neck, the master receive the data and send ack, * therefore the only ack that the master received is after sending * the address. */ rslt = I2CCheckNack ();/* if nack then the transaction is end here * the address need to be ack. */ if (rslt == TEST_FAIL)// receive nack, and stop the transaction. { return FAIL; } while (NumOfRd) { NumOfRd--; I2CWatchCounter = 2*I2C_BUSY_CYCLES; while ((((UCB1IFG & UCRXIFG)==0))&& (--I2CWatchCounter)); if (I2CWatchCounter==0)// then error { I2CErrNum = SET; // return FAIL; } if (NumOfRd) { Rdbuf [RdIndx] = UCB1RXBUF;//UCRXIFG is automatically reset when UCxRXBUF is read RdIndx++; if(NumOfRd == 1 )// only one byte left. { UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTP;// generate stop condition. _no_operation();// for debug. } } else //NumOfRd == 0 { Rdbuf [RdIndx] = UCB1RXBUF; //I2CWaitToStop ();// check it before the next transaction. } } __delay_cycles(I2C_STANDARD_DLY_BETWEEN_TRNSC); // for debug, _no_operation(); return OK; }
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