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MSP430F5529LP + Raspberry Pi 1/2 via USB

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529


I've been searching for threads about using F5529LP with Raspberry PI via USB but this is the only thread I found:

Reading data from serial on Linux - MSP low-power microcontroller forum - MSP low-power microcontrollers...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA I have my launchpad to sent temperature data over the serial every second which works fine with Windows. On Linux (Raspberry

Following the links mentioned in the post makes me uncertain about I can use MSP430F5529LP with rPI 1 or 2. I found numerous articles how to communicate with SPI, I2C or UART, but in my case the LP's SPI an I2C ports are used for other purposes. Due to the fact that the MSP SPI pins are equal to UART pins I can not use the UART for rPI communication.

Right now I am using MSP USB stack for device communication on Win7 so the obvious way is keep going with USB to rPI. 

Do you have any experience with USB stack with rPI? 

PS.: LINK on Page 6 amstan  said he could use it with success.

My dream would become true if there was a step by step instruction with a simple CDC example ;)

Looking forward any feedback or suggestion. Thank you in advance.

  • Daniel:

    I did a web search, and I quickly found two articles regarding connections. One is more detailed than the other...

    It looks like the two boards do not plug directly together, but the mitchtech article shows some jumper wire connections.

  • Dear Todd,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply.  Maybe my problem/question was not totally clear (sorry for my poor English) but I am looking for solution when the rPI and MSP430 are connected together via USB cable and the communication is handled by TI USB stack. In this case I can manage only the USB API code om MSP side, consequently I can freely connect the MSP to Win-base os by sharing the USB Inf file and to rPI.

    " I found numerous articles how to communicate with SPI, I2C or UART, but in my case the LP's SPI an I2C ports are used for other purposes. Due to the fact that the MSP SPI pins are equal to UART pins I can not use the UART for rPI communication."

  • Daniel:

    Thanks for the explanation. You may need to develop some of this - the SPI code may provide some of the basics that you would need to apply to the USB Comm.

    By the way, has an excellent chapter on the USB.


  • Hey,

    Yes, they do a really great job with the WorkShop and the USB API as well. Right now I have a fully working USB Stack -based application for Win7.

    Tomorrow I am getting the rPI 2 and looking for guides and how-tos for rPI + USB Stack.
  • MSP430 CDC device (from micro side point of view) will work on Win / Linux  or any other platform that support CDC device. Here is example of my CDC device (my own USB stack, but this is irrelevant here) used by Win / Linux without any code changes on micro side.

    Only question is if you are able to make interface (if it is needed) on OS side. Problem is not on micro side.

  • Dear zrno,

    Thank you for your reply. As I understand you the TI's USB Stack should work with any Win and Linux distribution without any restrictions. The question is: Does the rPI's OS capable of handing it? I mean Raspbian and / or Snappy Ubuntu Core.
  • Yes. CDC should work just fine. If you plug your MSP430 CDC device (not FET) with some (non-composite) CDC example from TI USB API, it should be enumerated by OS. If it is enumerated than it will probably work just fine. CDC from OS side is like Uart, so basic Uart terminal will be able to display characters received from MSP430 CDC device.

  • I am not planning to debug the MSP on rPI side so the FET is not required and I am using a simple CDC communication with MSP. Well I hope the best, and try it as arrived. I will come back with the result.

    Thank you for your help!

    PS.: Anyone who has every used MSP430F5529 with rPI 1 or 2 feel free to share the experiences here! :)
  • BTW, you can check also slaa630 Android Applications With MSP430 USB on Mobile Devices

  • Daniel, did you manage to establish comm between Pi ad your 5529? I'm having the exact same issue only it is 5521 (same beast, really). I hear one has to compile the driver again but I have no idea how to. I was hoping I can apt-get some packages that already did that. I can communicate fine in Linux, IOS and other advanced Linux but not on raspbian.
  • Hello,

    Actually there is no any magic with 5529 + rPI2. As I remember the os used on rpi was not raspbian. We used ubuntu or centos maybe. To make sure I am going to ask my college and reply.
  • Daniel, actually the OS on RPI is called raspbian - a variant of the Debian. But as it turns out it does not have a package compatible with TI CDC unless there is one available for download that I don't know of. I tried the arduino package unsuccessfully.
  • Hello,

    My college told me we used Wheezy version of Raspbian, no additional package needed. In the MSPWare the TI shipped CDC example working out of the box. Do you recognize the the LP as a ttyxx device?

    BTW, its important to mention make sure the Modem Manager is disabled on Linux, because after connecting an LP unwanted characters are coming from the host side :)

  • One more thing:
    Add the user to dialout group: "sudo usermod -aG dialout pi" then restart.
  • No It does not get installed as a ttyxx device at all- that is the issue. I am using Raspbian Noobs but I will switch to Wheezy as you indicated to see if that helps. I will post back

  • nope- same thing. I am probably missing something basic. If you had any other insight on how to detect the 5529 on Pi (ideally a step by step command would help a lot), that would be awesome. Unlike in Debian, where as soon as I plug the MC I see the device in /dev/tty, here nothing happens. I think the package that contains the CDC driver is simply missing. I searched a lot and so far everyone thinks it should work or they heard someone made it work somehow but nothing else. Again, thanks in advance.
  • Dear Nick,
    Sorry for my late reply. Did you solve the problem? If not, I can ask my college to make an image of rPI and and send it to you.
  • No I didn't, Daniel. Oh it would be awesome if you could send me an image! Or if he loaded a certain package all I need is the name of the package I need to load and install. But the image will certainly help a lot. Many thanks

  • Hey,

    Sorry for my late reply. My college prepared an image for you: 

    Some useful info:

    • version: Raspbian Jessie
    • pi user added to dialout group
    • all the updates were installed also putty.
    • no additional changes were made. the password is the same as a new Raspbian.

    This version is tested with F5529LP Device (LED ON LED OFF Command.s)

  • Dear Daniel, many thanks for your efforts and for posting this image. I've installed in on my pi and connected my device. This device uses an MSP430F5529 and when connected to a Linux machine it will install as a tty device when typing ls /dev/tty* upon which I can access it with screen command.
    But when trying the same thing on the image you sent, my RaspPi that does not happen. Nor I see anything when I type dmesg. What am I missing? And if I do what and how should I connect to it? is it not the same as in a Linux machine?

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