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Custom SPI BSL for MSP430f5328

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5328, MSP430F5438


I want to develop a custom BSL for MSP430f5328 for in-field update , the used interface is SPI , i need BSL source code for my specific micro-controller so as to modifiy it as required , i found many source codes but i want to make sure that am using the right one ,  also to enter the update mode MCU must receive a certain command that indicates the update event since no more alteration can be done to the hardware to add toggling buttons  , is that possible ?


  • Musaab,

    Thank you for your question.

    From my understanding, it sounds like you are trying to initiate BSL through software correct? If you refer to this thread, we have a few resources that seem to be very similar to what you are trying to do. This helps walk through using SPI for your BSL and initiating a software entry.

    Please refer specifically to Katie Pier's reply, the 2nd reply of the thread for particular guidance.

    Hope this helps you get started!
  • Evan,

    I already read katie reply and it's very helpfull , my issue is i can't find my specific MCU ( MSP430f5328 ) BSL source code anywhere .

  • Musaab,

    Can you confirm if you are trying to initiate BSL through software? To do this you will have to write your own new custom BSL that uses the SPI interface, but you should be able to do this by reading and modifying its examples from the zip file. Mostly, you'll just need to change the peripheral interface (PI) layer of the code to use SPI. There are examples of a few different PI's in the zip file, but I don't think that SPI is one of them currently. You should be able to keep the same BSL command structure and data format so you won't have to change all of that part of the BSL code - this should simplify things.

    The app note slaa450 linked above is for MSP430F5xxx devices, the same family for your device. Therefore this app note and the zip file should be a great starting point for you. Unfortunately at this time, it doesn't seem like we have exactly what you are looking for but this should be a great starting point. Please feel free to reach back out to us if you have any further questions on this regarding your BSL.

    Hope this helps with your efforts.

  • Dear Evan,

    Yes am trying to initiate BSL through software , i started to modify the source code of BSL for msp430f5438 to be suitable for my msp430f5328 MCU .

    Thank you so much for help .


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