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I'm drawing a schematic for a PCB with the MSP430FR5969. I want to use only the HFXT. Is it ok leave the LFXT PINS disconnected ? I also connected AVSS on PIN 41-44-47 to GND but I dont know if it's ok for the HFXT oscillator (I did't find any guide for the design).Do anyone have some more advice ? This is the schematic :


  • Hi,

    It is okay to leave the LFXT pins disconnected, they should be switched to the port function (PJSEL &= ~(BIT4 | BIT5;) and output direction (PJDIR |= BIT4 | BIT5;). All AVss pins should definitely be connected to GND and it is recommended that AVcc and DVcc both have 1 uF + 100 nF decoupling caps placed as close to the pins as possible.


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