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Writing data into MSP430FR5969 FRAM

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET


I wrote a piece of code to write data into FRAM. I tested the code with 5969 Launchpad and our custom boards. Everything is working fine at my workplace. But if I flash the same code at home on my Launchpad using MacBook, I can't get the code working. However, the FRAM example in Driver Library is working though

 * FRAM.c
 *  Created on: Feb 11, 2016
 *  Author: Teja Chintalapati
 *	Contact:
 *	Phone: +91-8792-355-512
 *	Description: Contains code to read and write into FRAM


#include "FRAM.h"


//To know till what address FRAM is filled


void FRAMWriteString(uint8_t *writeAddress, char *writeData)
	uint16_t *ptr;
	while(*writeData != '\0')
		*(writeAddress++) = *writeData++;
		//Incrementing the address till which FRAM is filled
		ptr = (uint16_t *)FRAM_FILL_LOCATION;
		*ptr = *ptr + 1;

void FRAMReadString(uint8_t *readAddress, char *readData, uint16_t dataLength)
	while(dataLength-- > 0)
		*readData++ = (*readAddress++);


void FRAMClearData(uint8_t *endAddress, uint8_t *startAddress)
	uint16_t *ptr;
	while(endAddress - startAddress + 1)
		*(startAddress++) = 0xFF;
		//Decrementing the address till which FRAM is written
		ptr = (uint16_t *)FRAM_FILL_LOCATION;
		*ptr = *ptr - 1;
	//We've deleted one extra location. So, add 1
	*ptr = *ptr + 1;

void FRAMClearAll(void)
	FRAMClearData((uint8_t *) 0xFFE0, (uint8_t *)0xC000);
	*lastFilledFRAMLocation = START_ADDRESS;

Additional Info: At workplace, I used FET to flash the code. OS: Windows 8 and CCS6.1.2

At Home: Flashed Launchpad using USB. OS: OSX El Capitan, CCS: CCS Mac Beta.

Please help me understand why the same code is working differently in different platforms.



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