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cc110l with g2553

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA

Dear sir,

I want to send the a characters from transmitter which is dynamically(means when i  type character in serial monitor ),transmitter has to take that character and has to send to receiver at the other end.

so for this where should i change my code.I am doing code in energia.

 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  WirelessMonitorSensor.ino - wireless monitor sensor sketch using AIR430Boost ETSI driver.
 *  Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Anaren Microwave, Inc.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 *  This example demonstrates usage of the AIR430BoostETSI library which uses
 *  the 430Boost-CC110L AIR Module BoosterPack created by Anaren Microwave, Inc.
 *  and available through the TI eStore, for the European Union.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Note: This file is part of AIR430Boost.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Description
 *  ===========
 *  Acts as a simple transmitter for a star network. The sensor node can 
 *  transmit any type of message one-way using the broadcast address. To create
 *  multiple networks, simply change the address on the hub node and have the
 *  nodes in that network transmit to the assigned hub address.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  This example assumes that two BoosterPacks will be used to showcase the 
 *  wireless radio communication functionality. This same code should be 
 *  programmed to both LaunchPad development kits.
 *  This BoosterPack relies on the SPI hardware peripheral and two additional 
 *  GPIO lines for SPI chip-select and GDO0 for packet handling. They use pins 18 
 *  and 19 respectively. 
 *  In the default configuration, this BoosterPack is not compatible with an 
 *  external crystal oscillator. This can be changed, if necessary, and would
 *  require reconfiguration of the BoosterPack hardware and changes to the 
 *  AIR430BoostETSI library. Refer to the BoosterPack User's Manual if necessary.
 *  ETSI regulations must be followed when using this library. This example 
 *  limits the wireless duty cycle to 0.1% per ETSI.
 *  For complete information, please refer to the BoosterPack User's Manual 
 *  available at:
 *  To purchase the 430Boost-CC110L AIR module BoosterPack kit, please visit the 
 *  TI eStore at:

 *  The AIR430BoostETSI library uses the SPI library internally. Energia does not
 *  copy the library to the output folder unless it is referenced here. The order 
 *  of includes is also important due to this fact.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <AIR430BoostETSI.h>

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Defines, enumerations, and structure definitions

#define ADDRESS_LOCAL    0x02
#define ADDRESS_REMOTE   0x01

 *  sPacket - packet format.
struct sPacket
  uint8_t from;           // Local node address that message originated from
  uint8_t message[59];    // Local node message [MAX. 59 bytes]

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Global data

struct sPacket txPacket;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main example

void setup()
  // The radio library uses the SPI library internally, this call initializes
  // SPI/CSn and GDO0 lines. Also setup initial address, channel, and TX power.

  txPacket.from = ADDRESS_LOCAL;
  memset(txPacket.message, 0, sizeof(txPacket.message));

  // Setup serial for debug printing.

   *  Setup LED for example demonstration purposes.
   *  Note: Set radio first to ensure that GDO2 line isn't being driven by the 
   *  MCU as it is an output from the radio.
  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);       // Use red LED to display message reception
  digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);

void loop()
  int i, j;
  delay(1000);    // Send every second
  for (i = 0, j = '0'; i <= 0x2A; i++, j++)
    txPacket.message[i] = j;
  Radio.transmit(ADDRESS_REMOTE, (unsigned char*)&txPacket, sizeof(txPacket));
   *  Warning: ETSI regulations require duty cycling of 0.1% per hour. Changing 
   *  this may invalidate ETSI compliance. Some margin has been added. Please 
   *  refer to Anaren's A110LR09 User's Manual for more information.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  WirelessMonitorHub.ino - wireless monitor hub sketch using AIR430Boost ETSI driver.
 *  Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Anaren Microwave, Inc.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 *  This example demonstrates usage of the AIR430BoostETSI library which uses
 *  the 430Boost-CC110L AIR Module BoosterPack created by Anaren Microwave, Inc.
 *  and available through the TI eStore, for the European Union.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Note: This file is part of AIR430Boost.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Description
 *  ===========
 *  Acts as a simple receiver for a star network. The hub node can receive both
 *  broadcast messages and messages directed to its assigned address. The hub
 *  node should not be assigned to address 0 (broadcast address). To create an
 *  additional network, simply change the hub address.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  This example assumes that two BoosterPacks will be used to showcase the 
 *  wireless radio communication functionality. This same code should be 
 *  programmed to both LaunchPad development kits.
 *  This BoosterPack relies on the SPI hardware peripheral and two additional 
 *  GPIO lines for SPI chip-select and GDO0 for packet handling. They use pins 18 
 *  and 19 respectively. 
 *  In the default configuration, this BoosterPack is not compatible with an 
 *  external crystal oscillator. This can be changed, if necessary, and would
 *  require reconfiguration of the BoosterPack hardware and changes to the 
 *  AIR430BoostETSI library. Refer to the BoosterPack User's Manual if necessary.
 *  ETSI regulations must be followed when using this library. This example 
 *  limits the wireless duty cycle to 0.1% per ETSI.
 *  For complete information, please refer to the BoosterPack User's Manual 
 *  available at:
 *  To purchase the 430Boost-CC110L AIR module BoosterPack kit, please visit the 
 *  TI eStore at:

 *  The AIR430BoostETSI library uses the SPI library internally. Energia does not
 *  copy the library to the output folder unless it is referenced here. The order 
 *  of includes is also important due to this fact.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <AIR430BoostETSI.h>

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Defines, enumerations, and structure definitions

#define ADDRESS_LOCAL    0x01

 *  sPacket - packet format.
struct sPacket
  uint8_t from;           // Local node address that message originated from
  uint8_t message[59];    // Local node message [MAX. 59 bytes]

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Global data

struct sPacket rxPacket;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main example

void setup()
  // The radio library uses the SPI library internally, this call initializes
  // SPI/CSn and GDO0 lines. Also setup initial address, channel, and TX power.

  rxPacket.from = 0;
  memset(rxPacket.message, 0, sizeof(rxPacket.message));

  // Setup serial for debug printing.

   *  Setup LED for example demonstration purposes.
   *  Note: Set radio first to ensure that GDO2 line isn't being driven by the 
   *  MCU as it is an output from the radio.
  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);       // Use red LED to display message reception
  digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);

void loop()
  // Turn on the receiver and listen for incoming data. Timeout after 1 seconds.
  // The receiverOn() method returns the number of bytes copied to rxData.
  if (Radio.receiverOn((unsigned char*)&rxPacket, sizeof(rxPacket), 1000) > 0)
    digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
    Serial.print("FROM: ");
    Serial.print(" MSG: ");
		digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);

  // Note: This sketch never transmits so no additional delay required to meet ETSI
  // requirements.

these are my transmitter and receiver code...........please let me knw where i have to change the code.

thank you


  • Dear Mohammad,

    Please refer to the Energia Communication Examples such as ReadASCIIString and SerialEvent. You basically need to use the Serial.available() function to see if any data has been input from the data monitor and then use the Radio.transmit() function to pass these characters to the receiver.


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