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Clock Setting after MSPBoot Jump to Main Apps


I have a question on below scenario:

If the clock settings has been done in the miniboot, will the settings remain as it after the program jumped to main apps?

The reason I asked this question is, I would like to move my clock settings/initialization from main apps to miniboot, so that main apps can do something immediately without doing the clock settings right after the miniboot-to-main-apps jump, which the clock settings may consume some times (specifically UCS_initFLLSettle function that takes about 40ms for my case)


Wei Chong

  • Hi Wei Chong,

    The TI_MSPBoot_AppMgr_JumpToApp function of MSPBoot will force a software BOR or PUC, which will afterwards jump to the main application's reset vector (if an application has been properly placed inside of the MCU's memory). Because of this the clock settings from MSPBoot (what you refer to as miniboot) will not be retained and must be re-initialized by your main application.


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