I’m working on a project with the MSP430F66xx device.
In this project I need to Invoke the USB BSL by user USB HID software
If I do like this in the code, the device switch to BSL HID mode:
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
Init_StartUp(); //initialize device
((void (*)())0x1000)();
USB_init(); // Init USB
But if I put the ((void (*)())0x1000)() command into the switch(USB_connectionState()) -> case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE block like this:
if(!(strcmp(wholeString, "Enter BSL HID Mode"))) // Compare to string #2, and respond
strcpy(outString,"Entering BSL HID Mode"); // Prepare the outgoing string
sendData_inBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),1,0); // Send the response over USB
((void (*)())0x1000)();
the device stops somewhere but does not change to BSL HID mode
How do I switch to HID BSL when the device is plugged into “normal” HID USB?
Any hint or feedback is highly appreciated
Med venlig hilsen/ Regards
Steffen kristensen
Larsen & Brusgaard