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I’m working on a project with the MSP430F66xx device.
In this project I need to Invoke the USB BSL by user USB HID software
If I do like this in the code, the device switch to BSL HID mode:
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
Init_StartUp(); //initialize device
((void (*)())0x1000)();
USB_init(); // Init USB
But if I put the ((void (*)())0x1000)() command into the switch(USB_connectionState()) -> case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE block like this:
if(!(strcmp(wholeString, "Enter BSL HID Mode"))) // Compare to string #2, and respond
strcpy(outString,"Entering BSL HID Mode"); // Prepare the outgoing string
sendData_inBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),1,0); // Send the response over USB
((void (*)())0x1000)();
the device stops somewhere but does not change to BSL HID mode
How do I switch to HID BSL when the device is plugged into “normal” HID USB?
Any hint or feedback is highly appreciated
Med venlig hilsen/ Regards
Steffen kristensen
Larsen & Brusgaard
Thanks for the reply.
The sendData_waitTilDone() function didn’t fix it, it’s still not entering BSL USB mode.
Steffen Kristensen
It is possible that it is a problem with the crystal you are using. There was a problem with my chip using the CDC api with the 64 pin target board from TI, the crystal does not stabilize causing the device to not enumerate. I have no idea if this is even a possible problem for you, but I figured I would throw it out there for you to check out. My device would go into BSL mode no problem it would just lag forever until I would touch the crystals capacitors which caused it to stabilize. I think this might be a problem with the drive the MSP430 is providing the crystal in BSL mode, but I could be wrong.
Best of luck,
Hi Steffen,
Could you try clearing the GIE bit (disabling interrupts) before invoking BSL from application firmware? It is possible that since the user firmware is jumping into the BSL memory space with the GIE bit enabled, if there are any pending interrupts then the code execution jumps back to the application firmware space (where the ISRs are located) and so the device is not entering BSL mode properly.
Hi Bhargavi,
Thanks for the reply.
Even with clearing the GIE bit it’s not working.
When not using GIE, I can trace the code beep into the USB interrupts, but somewhere it’s lost.
When using GIE the code jumps to 0xFFFC and is lost.
I have found a way of fixing it. It’s not nice and I’m not proud of it, but it’s working.
When I need to go to USB BSL, I write a unique string into flash, start the watchdog and get a reset.
After a reset and before entering HID USB, I look for this string, and if it’s there I jump to 0x1000 and enter BSL USB
It works but again it’s not nice code.
Steffen kristensen
Hi Steffen,
my understanding is:
Important is to understand there are two different USB stacks, even both could be HID, so you have to finish one before start another.
Clean way to switch to USB-BSL is:
Your workaround works because the reset by watchdog disables USB module, but you can do it manually, as above.
Please let me know if it helps.
I am using 5528 part and TI's 64pin USB target board. I did everything sugguested above, but the after I called
((void (*)())0x1000)();,
the code jumped back to start of my application instead of BSL, it is effectively just peformed a reset. What can I do to fix it? thanks!
Hi graviton,
is the board powered from USB cable during call of BSL? The BSL will reset device by the VBUS_Off event.
i use my programm to control the msp-gang programmer,when i use the usb interface it is work good.but when i use the rs-232,i can not connect the programmer,if anyboday can tell me why?because my any computer can not install the driver for the programmer through the i must use the rs-232,thanks very much.
maybe because of the parameter of the rs-232,can anybody tell me how to set it?thanks.
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